*SPOILERS* The Book of Boba Fett Discussion

I also don't get why the other crime syndicates in the area (the trandoshans, etc) who boba had over to meet with him and fennic... who HAVE established muscle, gangs, run the crime in their areas and already have their organizations they run, would REALISTICALLY have any reason whatsoever to capitulate to Boba Fett. They all show up at his place, and all offer allegiance to him pretty much... and his entire crime family at the time was him, fennic, 4 kids, 2 pig guards and a wookie that couldn't kill a sleeping guy and a couple teenagers.

I know it's a tv show and you need to suspend belief to an extent. But c'mon.
So far he has been presented, for 6 of the 7 total episodes, as a guy that can't take care of himself in ANY fight he's been in, can't protect his own territory, is unwilling to retaliate against people who people who send assassins after him, and is trying to rule the criminal underworld of a city with the mindset of a kind hearted social worker. They should have made the show about him having a change of heart with the sand people, then trying to kick out the crime that's running rampant in mos espa, and free the regular people who are suffering under the criminal rule. Like, a cobb vanth-ish "new sheriff in town that's going to protect the people". THAT would make sense for how he's been represented in this season. In no way whatsoever have they shown how 'nice boba' would want to rule/act as a crime boss.

He's the nice uncle that used to be a bare knuckles fighter, but now wants to open an orphanage and soup kitchen, to atone for his past.
That's how he's being shown.

If this show were even remotely well written, a character like boba, trying to come in and take over crime, would have been killed by now.
I also don't get why the other crime syndicates in the area (the trandoshans, etc) who boba had over to meet with him and fennic... who HAVE established muscle, gangs, run the crime in their areas and already have their organizations they run, would REALISTICALLY have any reason whatsoever to capitulate to Boba Fett. They all show up at his place, and all offer allegiance to him pretty much... and his entire crime family at the time was him, fennic, 4 kids, 2 pig guards and a wookie that couldn't kill a sleeping guy and a couple teenagers.

I know it's a tv show and you need to suspend belief to an extent. But c'mon.
So far he has been presented, for 6 of the 7 total episodes, as a guy that can't take care of himself in ANY fight he's been in, can't protect his own territory, is unwilling to retaliate against people who people who send assassins after him, and is trying to rule the criminal underworld of a city with the mindset of a kind hearted social worker. They should have made the show about him having a change of heart with the sand people, then trying to kick out the crime that's running rampant in mos espa, and free the regular people who are suffering under the criminal rule. Like, a cobb vanth-ish "new sheriff in town that's going to protect the people". THAT would make sense for how he's been represented in this season. In no way whatsoever have they shown how 'nice boba' would want to rule/act as a crime boss.

He's the nice uncle that used to be a bare knuckles fighter, but now wants to open an orphanage and soup kitchen, to atone for his past.
That's how he's being shown.

If this show were even remotely well written, a character like boba, trying to come in and take over crime, would have been killed by now.

Let's not forget - the crime lord hasn't committed a single crime yet. Unless you count Temuera Morrison's acting as criminal as I do.

For me, I'm done thinking of this as a Boba Fett show. Most of the complaints I see now are "I ThOuGhT tHiS WaS tHe BoOK Of BoBa FeTt, NoT MaNdO s3!" I don't care, I don't want to see any more of what they've done to the character. I'd be happy with a straight morph into Mando S3 which I think is where the show will ultimately finish up. For me, this is now The Mandalorian Season 3a.

I don't know why the series didn't focus on Boba escaping the sarlacc to hunt down Han Solo & co. The writer's had the perfect opportunity to portray Boba as a sort of fish out of water that would lend some vulnerability to him. He's been in the sarlacc for 5 years, when he comes out he has no idea that the Empire has been toppled, nor what has become of the emperor and Vader, or Han, Luke et al. He wouldn't even know for sure that Jabba is dead - yes, the sail barge is a wreck but he'd have to verify Jabba was killed before being able to escape. Most likely, things would be very different for him and none of his old contacts - like Jabba - would be on hand, he'd have to track all kinds of people down and do favours, forge new allegiances etc. - much like The Mandolorian. Hell, you could have ended the season with a Solo confrontation like Luke's appearance in the Mando S2 finale. Then go for the whole 'heart-of-gold / changed man' schtick in S2. We'd essentially get to see Boba Fett start again. He'd be rusty, but some of the old tricks and reflexes would still be there. We'd see flashes of what made him great and finish the season with everything we need to believe that he could become a crime lord. The guy who single handedly escaped the sarlacc pit and hunted down Han f*ckin Solo (galaxy's greatest smuggler and double death star killer) - AGAIN.

That's what I keep remembering - they had FIVE YEARS to play with and the best they could come up with is hanging around with a Tusken tribe?

Imagine how amazing it would've been to see Boba Fett tracking down Han? Going to Endor and seeing the aftermath of the battle there. Picking through the rubble of the generator bunker. Boba Fett in crime noir detective mode - YES! It's a huge trope, but the story of a character motivated by hatred and revenge, only to reach their goal and realise the ultimate lack of resolution and fulfilment to be found there is one that fits Boba Fett here. It makes sense. Show him going to hell and back to find his target, then hit us with the whole "I'm tired of all this" speech. I'd buy that and actually, even if that was the plot for S1, I'd still find it hard to believe that Boba would decide to run a crime syndicate. Anyhoo...

Ok...now for some good points about episode 6:

Another great one for me, very happy to see Grogu in training and I think they have honestly put a lot more work into the quality of the deepfake. So cool to see more of Luke, even though his 'boots' looked very odd - why do they keep doing this thing of black trainers?! How hard is it to find a pair of black boots!

As I've said before - I am as far from a fan of the clone era as you can possible get but live action Cad Bane looked awesome and was genuinely frightening as a villain. Sad to see Cobb Vanth potentially gone though, hopefully not. I'm just praying we won't get another visit to Mod's R' Us with the soundtrack to Blade playing in the background.
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Let's not forget - the crime lord hasn't committed a single crime yet. Unless you count Temuera Morrison's acting as criminal as I do.

For me, I'm done thinking of this as a Boba Fett show. Most of the complaints I see now are "I ThOuGhT tHiS WaS tHe BoOK Of BoBa FeTt, NoT MaNdO s3!" I don't care, I don't want to see any more of what they've done to the character. I'd be happy with a straight morph into Mando S3 which I think is where the show will ultimately finish up. For me, this is now The Mandalorian Season 3a.

I don't know why the series didn't focus on Boba escaping the sarlacc to hunt down Han Solo & co. The writer's had the perfect opportunity to portray Boba as a sort of fish out of water that would lend some vulnerability to him. He's been in the sarlacc for 5 years, when he comes out he has no idea that the Empire has been toppled, nor what has become of the emperor and Vader, or Han, Luke et al. He wouldn't even know for sure that Jabba is dead - yes, the sail barge is a wreck but he'd have to verify Jabba was killed before being able to escape. Most likely, things would be very different for him and none of his old contacts - like Jabba - would be on hand, he'd have to track all kinds of people down and do favours, forge new allegiances etc. - much like The Mandolorian. Hell, you could have ended the season with a Solo confrontation like Luke's appearance in the Mando S2 finale. Then go for the whole 'heart-of-gold / changed man' schtick in S2. We'd essentially get to see Boba Fett start again. He'd be rusty, but some of the old tricks and reflexes would still be there. We'd see flashes of what made him great and finish the season with everything we need to believe that he could become a crime lord. The guy who single handedly escaped the sarlacc pit and hunted down Han f*ckin Solo (galaxy's greatest smuggler and double death star killer) - AGAIN.

That's what I keep remembering - they had FIVE YEARS to play with and the best they could come up with is hanging around with a Tusken tribe?

Imagine how amazing it would've been to see Boba Fett tracking down Han? Going to Endor and seeing the aftermath of the battle there. Picking through the rubble of the generator bunker. Boba Fett in crime noir detective mode - YES! It's a huge trope, but the story of a character motivated by hatred and revenge, only to reach their goal and realise the ultimate lack of resolution and fulfilment to be found there is one that fits Boba Fett here. It makes sense. Show him going to hell and back to find his target, then hit us with the whole "I'm tired of all this" speech. I'd buy that and actually, even if that was the plot for S1, I'd still find it hard to believe that Boba would decide to run a crime syndicate. Anyhoo...

Ok...now for some good points about episode 6:

Another great one for me, very happy to see Grogu in training and I think they have honestly put a lot more work into the quality of the deepfake. So cool to see more of Luke, even though his 'boots' looked very odd - why do they keep doing this thing of black trainers?! How hard is it to find a pair of black boots!

As I've said before - I am as far from a fan of the clone era as you can possible get but live action Cad Bane looked awesome and was genuinely frightening as a villain. Sad to see Cobb Vanth potentially gone though, hopefully not. I'm just praying we won't get another visit to Mod's R' Us with the soundtrack to Blade playing in the background.

Man - all of this. I couldn't agree more. Double agree about the boots. Why is every, single, piece of footwear some sort of gaiter or half chap? I'm a costume compliance officer in the Mercs and It just screens - hey, I'm to cheap or lazy to get in universe shoes so I'm just going to wear normal shoes and cover the laces......
This garbage is just a repurposed CW arc.. thats literally been its entire goal is this stupid duel…
Thats why Boba has zero character motivation.. or even any real main story development…. Destination Nowhere’s end goal is this stupid standoff and Mando S3, and Nothing else matters.. classic Filoni :rolleyes:
Let's not forget - the crime lord hasn't committed a single crime yet. Unless you count Temuera Morrison's acting as criminal as I do.

For me, I'm done thinking of this as a Boba Fett show. Most of the complaints I see now are "I ThOuGhT tHiS WaS tHe BoOK Of BoBa FeTt, NoT MaNdO s3!" I don't care, I don't want to see any more of what they've done to the character. I'd be happy with a straight morph into Mando S3 which I think is where the show will ultimately finish up. For me, this is now The Mandalorian Season 3a.

I don't know why the series didn't focus on Boba escaping the sarlacc to hunt down Han Solo & co. The writer's had the perfect opportunity to portray Boba as a sort of fish out of water that would lend some vulnerability to him. He's been in the sarlacc for 5 years, when he comes out he has no idea that the Empire has been toppled, nor what has become of the emperor and Vader, or Han, Luke et al. He wouldn't even know for sure that Jabba is dead - yes, the sail barge is a wreck but he'd have to verify Jabba was killed before being able to escape. Most likely, things would be very different for him and none of his old contacts - like Jabba - would be on hand, he'd have to track all kinds of people down and do favours, forge new allegiances etc. - much like The Mandolorian. Hell, you could have ended the season with a Solo confrontation like Luke's appearance in the Mando S2 finale. Then go for the whole 'heart-of-gold / changed man' schtick in S2. We'd essentially get to see Boba Fett start again. He'd be rusty, but some of the old tricks and reflexes would still be there. We'd see flashes of what made him great and finish the season with everything we need to believe that he could become a crime lord. The guy who single handedly escaped the sarlacc pit and hunted down Han f*ckin Solo (galaxy's greatest smuggler and double death star killer) - AGAIN.

That's what I keep remembering - they had FIVE YEARS to play with and the best they could come up with is hanging around with a Tusken tribe?

Imagine how amazing it would've been to see Boba Fett tracking down Han? Going to Endor and seeing the aftermath of the battle there. Picking through the rubble of the generator bunker. Boba Fett in crime noir detective mode - YES! It's a huge trope, but the story of a character motivated by hatred and revenge, only to reach their goal and realise the ultimate lack of resolution and fulfilment to be found there is one that fits Boba Fett here. It makes sense. Show him going to hell and back to find his target, then hit us with the whole "I'm tired of all this" speech. I'd buy that and actually, even if that was the plot for S1, I'd still find it hard to believe that Boba would decide to run a crime syndicate. Anyhoo...

Ok...now for some good points about episode 6:

Another great one for me, very happy to see Grogu in training and I think they have honestly put a lot more work into the quality of the deepfake. So cool to see more of Luke, even though his 'boots' looked very odd - why do they keep doing this thing of black trainers?! How hard is it to find a pair of black boots!

As I've said before - I am as far from a fan of the clone era as you can possible get but live action Cad Bane looked awesome and was genuinely frightening as a villain. Sad to see Cobb Vanth potentially gone though, hopefully not. I'm just praying we won't get another visit to Mod's R' Us with the soundtrack to Blade playing in the background.
Why is he going after Han though? He was after him in the first place for Jabba, who is dead.
Think he remembers Han accidently Hitting his jetpack? He doesn't remember the Jawas stripping him of the armor.... I doubt he knew Han caused his malfunction. I think there would be a better story to explore then him getting back at Han for that...
At this point you never know.
Think he remembers Han accidently Hitting his jetpack? He doesn't remember the Jawas stripping him of the armor.... I doubt he knew Han caused his malfunction. I think there would be a better story to explore then him getting back at Han for that...
It’s only in the BoBF that he doesn’t remember the jawas taking his armour.

In my version, that doesn’t happen. I’m not saying it’s perfect and I’m sure there is better motivation but it’s still better than escaping certain death and deciding to run a crime family.
Think he remembers Han accidently Hitting his jetpack? He doesn't remember the Jawas stripping him of the armor.... I doubt he knew Han caused his malfunction. I think there would be a better story to explore then him getting back at Han for that...
You’d think he’d be angrier at the guy up on the barge who rando shoots him in the back :lol:
Then again im fairly sure that guy got vaporized unless Disney brings him back too
No One’s Ever Really Gone
He's the nice uncle that used to be a bare knuckles fighter, but now wants to open an orphanage and soup kitchen, to atone for his past.
That's how he's being shown.

I think that's exactly what they are going for... I think they wanted to portray him as someone who didn't want to fight anymore.

Jabba hired him to get Solo. A simple job ended up getting him tangled up with Vader and the Rebellion. He ended up nearly dying for some stupid guy frozen in a block and he's done with it all.

He goes back to Jabba's to get his ship, and possibly discovered at that point that Jabba died. He then decides that all this happened because he was working for the slug, so he might as well take his payment owed. At that point he planned to do what Jabba did... hang out around the palace, let other people do the grunt work, and just relax.

As all these problems start to happen, he keeps trying to NOT get involved. He's not walking around like a human arsenal because he wants to be seen as a person, not a cold blooded killer.

But... time and time again this fails to work out for him, leaving him no choice but to get back in the ring one last time.

It's not the Boba story a lot of people wanted, but they already told parts of that story with Din and Cobb. It isn't what I would have written for sure, but here we are.
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