*SPOILERS* The Book of Boba Fett Discussion

Yep - every time he has is helmet off I just think old Jango...... making him a clone was such a dumb decision in the prequels. I still think that essentially seeing yourself/your dad get decapitated right in front of you, that you might get some facial reconstruction to not see your dead father/self every time you see your own reflection.

As you all have said this episode was incredibly mediocre.

Gone is the badass, hand to hand combat Boba from The Mandalorian series who pretty much single handedly takes down a whole squad of stormtroopers not much else but a gaffe stick - insert fully equipped Fett + functional rocket jetpack who proceeds to get his butt stomped by 6 miscellaneous henchmen of most likely the governor of Mos Epsa.....and a Boba that fights with a stick like a elementary school kid playing pretend sword fight with his friends - and a naive Boba who thinks killing Bib automatically makes people respect him as much as Jabbo, so much so that he just wanders around in essentially enemy territory without head protection..... what the what?

The best thing to come out of this episode was by fair that costume of the chief Tusken Raider- everything else was just boring.

Also the Gammoreon guards look weird because their top half is gammoreon pig man and from their waist down are just normal human dudes painted green in diapers and sandals

As for the TK.....you mean to tell me a stormtrooper that looks like it has been in the sarlaac for months/maybe years still has a functional life support system to use the air from but some how Boba who has been in there for what looks to be maaaaybe 24 hours or so doesn't?

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I have not watched it yet, not sure I want to, and given what people have said already, I've said it now for some time - In the hands of Disney it was always going to be sh1te, only they can ruin a badass serious character and in the coming weeks turn him into a fairy Godmother!
Like many of you, I thought the episode was just okay overall. I could have done with way more sarlaac escape and way less sandpeople, and I really hope they drop the crime lord stuff after an episode or two.

Also, major clash of the titans vibes with that four armed thing, and I don't mean that in a good way lol.
Should of kept the helmet on as much as possible like the old movies , n when had to take off use Morrison in a smart way, on the other side I can finally suit up as boba
Agree, I was somewhat underwhelmed. I got so excited when I saw the Sarlacc Pit and the ruins of Jabba's sail barge but the whole escape was just over too quickly. Also, given how many people we see fall into the pit in ROTJ, there should've been waaaay more bodies than just one stormtrooper.

Seeing more of the Tusken's was...kind of cool?...I guess? The whole prisoner thing didn't really make much sense though, what were they holding him for? To dig in the sand for coconuts? Overall I just find Tusken's quite boring but I can see where they're going with it, Boba earns 'tribe' respect, becomes a kind of honorary Tusken and gets sent on his merry way.

That sand monster was...interesting. Didn't feel like a Star Wars creature. The guards with the electric batons and shields didn't feel Star Wars to me either, certainly not OT era anyway. Hated the parkour guys, looked like they came straight from chasing ninja turtles and I agree that there's something about the Gamorreans that just doesn't look right.
Sorry, it could have been a good thing but…

Story 6/10
Actors 3/10
Action 0/10
Tusken 0/10
Sound 7/10
Running around without helmet:

Sorry Disney, think you killed it
Yep - every time he has is helmet off I just think old Jango...... making him a clone was such a dumb decision in the prequels. I still think that essentially seeing yourself/your dad get decapitated right in front of you, that you might get some facial reconstruction to not see your dead father/self every time you see your own reflection.

As you all have said this episode was incredibly mediocre.

Gone is the badass, hand to hand combat Boba from The Mandalorian series who pretty much single handedly takes down a whole squad of stormtroopers not much else but a gaffe stick - insert fully equipped Fett + functional rocket jetpack who proceeds to get his butt stomped by 6 miscellaneous henchmen of most likely the governor of Mos Epsa.....and a Boba that fights with a stick like a elementary school kid playing pretend sword fight with his friends - and a naive Boba who thinks killing Bib automatically makes people respect him as much as Jabbo, so much so that he just wanders around in essentially enemy territory without head protection..... what the what?

The best thing to come out of this episode was by fair that costume of the chief Tusken Raider- everything else was just boring.

Also the Gammoreon guards look weird because their top half is gammoreon pig man and from their waist down are just normal human dudes painted green in diapers and sandals

As for the TK.....you mean to tell me a stormtrooper that looks like it has been in the sarlaac for months/maybe years still has a functional life support system to use the air from but some how Boba who has been in there for what looks to be maaaaybe 24 hours or so doesn't?

God damnit. You've now given me a bunch of extra stuff to be annoyed about that didn't occur to me first time round haha

I'm so glad someone else has said how stupid it was to make Boba a clone. I HATE the whole prequel era and to attach Boba to it was like a stab in the back. Let's take one of the entire IP's most popular characters who is essentially the High Plains Drifter in space (right down to the poncho/cape) and make him a carbon copy of a dispensable army soldier. I personally think Boba's backstory should never have been explored and his face never revealed. Temuera Morrison doesn't look like Boba Fett to me. It's not what I picture to be under the helmet. Not sure why but I suspect I'd feel that way regardless of who played him.
The Tusken Raiders eye caps were too big. They didn't look right

He's the Chief of the Tusken tribe. Makes sense he wouldn't look exactly like every other one. "Overall" I liked the first episode. It filled in a lot of the blanks. I agree he did appear "weak" but I just attributed that to the fact he got hit by half a dozen guys with some sort of prequel-esk force pikes. And the fact he nearly blew himself up when he started fighting. Anyone remember the droid guys with the double ended electro-pikes?

I suppose it's the situation where everyone has made Boba's return a movie in their head, and no matter what actually happens in the series, it will never match up to that. I watched it 3 times yesterday, twice alone and once with the Mrs.
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I honestly think saying that "it could never match expectations" to 'head canon' is just a cop out for poor writing. If done well - movies or tv shows can indeed match if not exceed those expectations. The only thing is, is that in order to do so, one needs to truly understand and respect the original source material or in this case also the reasons why the character was popular or what made the character interesting or beloved by fans in the first place.

I am also a huge Lord of the Rings fan - those movies far succeeded my expectations and that is due to Peter Jackson's love of the original material and wanted to do justice to a book series that was near and dear to his heart. Guess what? The end product was perhaps the best movie trilogy of all time. So topping 'head canon' can certainly be done - it just takes a good amount of work in order to do it.

This first episode has already ret-conned things Disney has done with the character in previous media - which to me, shows an overall lack of insight and clear vision of what they want to do with the character. That being said, this is still the first episode but there is a TON of room for improvement moving forward. I truly hope this show delivers on the hype that Robert Rodriguez has put all over his social media - but as far as the first episode is concerned - it leaves me wishing he stuck to just playing with a Boba Fett action figure in his backyard
Yes the pic I attached was of the chief but they all had the large eye caps. Just looked weird to me.

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So what's with Disney/Finoni's fangasm boner for showing the Tuskens as simply a 'misunderstood people'? At this rate we're gonna get a scene where it turns out that the tuskens actually rescued Anakins mom before he went psycho on them rather than being the ones who tortured her.... Also the whole wearing black in the desert thing doesn't really fly with me either... heat problems aside, they would stand out like a sore thumb in their environment from miles away... I get they want to be "different" but logic in design shouldn't just up and leave the building when that happens
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This might sound silly, but for me, everything kind of boils down to the sarlacc escape. If they gave that two extra minutes of screen time (at the expense of let's say the bantha dragging) and they showed Boba really having to fight like hell to get out of there... using everything he had, maybe even get that survival knife out of his pocket lol, then everything else is a bit more believable.

He's MESSED up from that, got a bacta problem now, can't fight like he used to, trying to slow down a bit, all works better because of the cost of getting out of the sarlacc.

Instead he swung on some jungle vines, took a hit off the TK pipe, and climbed out.

I'm hoping everything picks up a bit, that just seemed a lazy bit of writing honestly.
As usual, they’ve ruined part of the lore by trying to hard to explain it. So much of Star Wars was so good because of how little was known about it. The Tusken Raiders were cool because they were just nomadic scavengers with no real motive other than aggression and to steal your stuff. I don’t need to see them as “real people,” you don’t have to give everything a human narrative. OT Star Wars was great because some stuff was just…there. For no reason, with no explanation and that’s what sparked peoples imagination. At least for me. The problem now is the more they mine Star Wars for content, more and more stuff is going to get given backstories and origins that contradict established canon.
The problem now is the more they mine Star Wars for content, more and more stuff is going to get given backstories and origins that contradict established canon.

I find this to be true with a lot of content unfortunately. It's part of taking material that was big and popular in the 70s/80s/90s (whenever) and then finding ways to: reinvent it, pay homage to it, show it from a different angle, etc.

This way, they are playing to the nostalgia of us fans, while trying to build a market with new viewers. It really is all about money, unfortunately.

When I think of this, I think of the anthology movies (Rogue 1, Solo). These movies filled gaps and answered questions that weren't really being asked. Did we need them? Did I really need to know how Han got his last name? While the prequels have their own problems...and many of them...the hardest pill for me to swallow is ruining the greatest reveal in film industry (Vader being Luke's father). If the movies are viewed in episodic sequence, that mystery/shock is gone because of the backstory.

What I liked about the Clone Wars cartoons (and even Rebels for that matter) is that they introduced new concepts and characters while also giving us something familiar to tie into.This is what Mandalorian is doing for me. It's a completely new story, but the heart is there with subtle ties to what we know. I'm hoping that Fett will do something similar, but because he's such an iconic character, I think it's going to take a lot more for me to buy in.
Yes the pic I attached was of the chief but they all had the large eye caps. Just looked weird to me.
Interesting, I never noticed the difference. Guess I'm not up on my Tusken fashion. :) If I had to venture a guess, I imagine it was done to give the actors better field of view through the mask.
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