My ROTJ Boba Fett build

So I"ve decided to start my own costume!!! though I don't know if I will be able to make the helmet in time? for comic con. Here's hoping. I will be making two sets one for my wife and for myself.

Here is what I have so far...

All the parts are made from SintrView attachment 106968a (spelled right I hope). I have some designs in mind but don't really know what it will look like until I make it.

thanks, will post on my next update

Welcome to the site. When you post your next update, you should start a new thread. You don't want to hijack jthornton's.
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Your helmet looks amazing man! I'll be following along closely!!!
Thanks! Will be doing some more work right before I head over seas for the next several months! I'll hopefully finish the armor I have primed before I leave at the end of the month!
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Great work, it looks amazing. So the ultimate question with no wrong answer because they're all awesome - what made you pick ROTJ?

Because... I'm drawn to things that are more complicated for some reason... Not sure really probably because of the color scheme on the jet pack and gauntlets. Not just green all around for the most part. Like if I were to do a clone trooper I'd probably do Cody or Rex in V2 armor.

- - - Updated - - -

That helmet is beautifully done.
Thank you!! Took a lot of patience and practice especially on the back panel. Trial, error and then repaint
Finally was able to start back up on Boba after getting back from over seas :)

Cod and Kidney plate. Still need to do some weather airbrush misting with black :)

Weathering done on these parts. Might end up masking over everything on the cod piece and repainting the green to weather it again. Accidentally went overboard imo on the black in bad lighting. :/



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From what I can tell it looks fine. What you could try is going at it with some fine steel wool to take off some of the weathering and thus also add a bit to the beaten up aspect.
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