Stolen Fett!!

I would love to donate something but I scratchbuild all my stuff and it's not exactly up to par, just the best I can do and it's good enough for me. If there's any other way I can help with this someone please pm me to let me know.
The best ever News! The costume just turned up 'anonymously' at a police station an hour from my house! The officer can't speak to its overall state of repair, but he says the important parts are there: armour, helmet, jetpack, boots, cloth parts.

I am just flabbergasted!! :cool

Looks like he crawled out of the Sarlaac after all!!

So glad to hear this, Brett!! Hopefully it's all there and accounted for.

No news of the truck though eh? Will that be an easier discussion with insurance?
I am so very glad to hear this. I'd say the pressure to return it ratcheted quite a bit after radio/video interviews and such widespread interest. $100 says it was a 17 year old that stole your vehicle, and the thought of getting caught with your costume scared him/her more than anything else.

Though to be truthful, I'll never understand the mindset of such a thief.
Amazing news, I bet you're feeling immense amounts of relief! I'd hate to imagine the anxiety I'd feel if it were me. Be sure to let us know the condition and if all the parts are there.
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