Recasting discussion

This is indeed a good example and one of the big reasons why only a very select few got a copy of your plug and why no more will ever see the light of day. Such a shame. But to a degree you must let go of said piece for the greater good meaning sharing it with other costumers. Much as you did with the ears.

This is a good point and one that I highlighted in my first post and my post in your cargo hold thread. Folks are so quick to cut hairs on the recasting topic when it comes to alot of the artists on this board but are often the first with there hands out as soon as a run starts on armor or a helmet they want.


I think I got a glimpse of a less civil version of this thread starting up in FPs thread and I wanted it moved over here, aired out, and wanted to see where it would truly go. Dead horse or not, there still seem to be lots of members who are a bit fuzzy on the boards stance on recasting.

The bottom line in my opinion is that we should be thankful that folks like FP, and RS and others use there skills and knolage on this costume and create some of what they create, remaster what they have remasted and offered us up copys of there end result regardless of how it came to be. (I am just naming these too folks because they are commenting in this thread) Try making a prop from scratch and you will see what a large amount of effort, time and money goes into it. Even a hevy mod on a current one is no walk in the park. At the end of the day my, and many others costumes would not be possible with out what the prop makers on this site do. But keep in mind that very few of the things you know and love on your costume came to be out of a hunk of clay, they started from moded DP deluxes, measurements off screen used peices and other such things.

I think some folks seem to think that is recasting in the common sense of the word but in my eyes its just the art that created the pieces we have on our costume, be it clay, gypsum, metal, modded older sculpts, 3rd gen casts of mystery helmets... ect ect.

Just my 2 cents

So in the end.. we can all agree that it's the community as a whole that will shun those "BloodSport Studios" from this board and feel sorry for those noobs for buying junk casts on the Ebay because they have not found TDH yet and continue to encourage newcomers to learn.
That in my opinion is TDH
Sceen used. i know of only one guy who bought a SU stormtrooper bucket at christies for around $30k. as the story goes, he got permission, signed letter from lucasfilm, to make 30 and only 30 recasts. i have just learned this one, probably others, but no one else as far as "permission".

Not to completely derail things but I would love to hear more about this... I could be way offbase but this sounds a lot like one of those prop myths propagated by the TE crowd... That doesn't jive at all with typical LFL licensing. Their tack record is of licensing, for big bucks.. not granting someone "permission" to infringe on their copyright... Again, I could totally be off base but would love to hear more about this.
Not to completely derail things but I would love to hear more about this... I could be way offbase but this sounds a lot like one of those prop myths propagated by the TE crowd... That doesn't jive at all with typical LFL licensing. Their tack record is of licensing, for big bucks.. not granting someone "permission" to infringe on their copyright... Again, I could totally be off base but would love to hear more about this.
I agree, it doesn't seem to fit their history. It does sound a lot like an attempt by someone to pass off a recast for big$$$ and morally exculpate themselves.

So in the end.. we can all agree that it's the community as a whole that will shun those "BloodSport Studios" from this board and feel sorry for those noobs for buying junk casts on the Ebay because they have not found TDH yet and continue to encourage newcomers to learn.
That in my opinion is TDH
I think "continuing to encourage newcomers" has been the theme of these kinds of threads in the last couple of days...:lol:...

But I agree, in the end it's a good thing to revisit this Debate from time to time.

For me personnally, I want the "GOOD STUFF" in terms of props when building my FETT..... And last time I checked there weren't any really "great recasts" (if there is such a thing) on Ebay...All the Masters, Artists, and Prop builders for Fett are all members of THIS board already....So why bite the hand that feeds us because of a gray area.... ;)

Good thread.(y)
I think "continuing to encourage newcomers" has been the theme of these kinds of threads in the last couple of days...:lol:...

But I agree, in the end it's a good thing to revisit this Debate from time to time.

For me personnally, I want the "GOOD STUFF" in terms of props when building my FETT..... And last time I checked there weren't any really "great recasts" (if there is such a thing) on Ebay...All the Masters, Artists, and Prop builders for Fett are all members of THIS board already....So why bite the hand that feeds us because of a gray area.... ;)

Good thread.(y)

Spidey, keep in mind when you setup shop at something as big as C4 and advertise yourself where the entire audience "is your target audience". Your going to attract a TON of noobs. Is that bad? Well, it can be at sometimes but you never know when the next MOW will show up.

We all want the "Good Stuff" Spidey, but not at the cost of our dignity to creators with a god complex. I learned a long time ago in my fighting days, there is ALWAYS someone better than you.

Is there an elitest attitude at TDH? Of course there is and the new members see it most of all. Props are for sale in this community, knowledge shouldn't be.
This thread should have never been made.
We have had a few of these, and they always up bitter, why make more?

Maybe some things just need to be said Clayster, you can't have thousands of people in one room and expect them all to think alike. A helathy debate usually brings out the truth. Whether some want it out or not.
Yeah well LFL chooses their battles. SDS was a very high profile case as it dealt with some one who actually worked on the films. If LFL wanted they could shut down TDH and any of the artists here. But they choose not to and that's their choice. Its not like TDH is some kind of secret underground prop ring that tries to hide its dealings. We had a booth a C4 for Christs sake.

I'd like to think if SDS was a prop board member(not just tdh), as oppose to a business that was trying to make a living off of the props they were selling, that the SDS buckets and armor would probably have been as available as an FX or AP kit. Instead they created a fan fair with bold claims and a fancy website, which more or less put a target on their back.

The other article I have no clue what it is referring to but it seems again to be more of a business model trying to make lots of money off a LFL license.

Most of the artists here sell their work for what seems to be little more than cost. Cost being: Time Taken(for sculpting/casting/painting) + Parts(resin, aluminum, fiberglass, paint ect) = Cost

In some cases they only charge cost of parts and shipping.

I'd think LFL would be more concerned with people looking to make mass amounts of money off of licenses rather than people selling a limited number of items at cost or near cost.
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Maybe some things just need to be said Clayster, you can't have thousands of people in one room and expect them all to think alike. A helathy debate usually brings out the truth. Whether some want it out or not.
Who said I didnt want it out?
I am saying that this thread is going to start more arguments than it already has.
After reading many of the responses reguarding this topic and thinking on it I've come to one conclusion and it is really very simple,.... "DO YOUR RESEARCH!"..... We know who to go to and who to stay away from and we can thank the folks in this Forum for that. So if you need anything that pertains to Fett you can get it here. Just as if you were building a Vader or R-2 or 3P0 and so on.

Now as for recasting in this community The numbers are small and we can leave it up to the parties involed and Admin the keep these matters "IN HOUSE." But simply put you get what you pay for. So, If you see a Starter Helmet that's $100.00 in this forum and then scoot over to Flea Bay for a Helmet that's $80.00 (I think you all know what I'm talking about) then it's safe to say that if you leave this forum to go and get it somewhere else,.. Your not gonna to be too happy about what you get. Not saying that e-bay does'nt have good buys, but if it does you'll know about it from in here.

So do yourself a favor and STAY HERE!!!! C
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Is there an elitest attitude at TDH? Of course there is and the new members see it most of all. Props are for sale in this community, knowledge shouldn't be.

Nah..I used to think so....but after meeting a ton of fellow TDH'ers at C4 I have to say the whole Elitest thing has gone out the window for me...and is an old argument for Another Thread, not this one.;)

Besides half the stuff we say or post on this board gets misinterpreted.
Once you met people face to face...whole other ball game, trust me...and people I had issues with that I met at C4, we just laughed it off and had a drink or two...or three, or four:lol:.

Now back to the subject....Recasting.:)
Nah..I used to think so....but after meeting a ton of fellow TDH'ers at C4 I have to say the whole Elitest thing has gone out the window for me...and is an old argument for Another Thread, not this one.;)

Besides half the stuff we say or post on this board gets misinterpreted.
Once you met people face to face...whole other ball game, trust me...and people I had issues with that I met at C4, we just laughed it off and had a drink or two...or three, or four:lol:.

Now back to the subject....Recasting.:)
Almost everything I say on this board gets misinterpreted, I just get used to it.

Meeting everyone at CIV was awesome, also when I had random TDH'ers come up to me and say "whats up?"
Spidey, keep in mind when you setup shop at something as big as C4 and advertise yourself where the entire audience "is your target audience". Your going to attract a TON of noobs. Is that bad? Well, it can be at sometimes but you never know when the next MOW will show up.

And that was the whole point of the booth at C4; attract new members. And with this influx of new members, we ALL need to remember to be patient with them and create a friendly and inviting environment.
This has been my point from the beginning.

Well soemtimes that is hard, I know when I see someone doing something wrong, I dont really say "hey, maybe you might want to try....this alternative"

I kinda go "No, dont do that, you need to do this" and it comes off as I am saying I am better than they are, etc.
There is always someone else FP, don't ever think of yourself as irreplacable, that applies to all aspects of life.

We all want the "Good Stuff" Spidey, but not at the cost of our dignity to creators with a god complex. I learned a long time ago in my fighting days, there is ALWAYS someone better than you.

It's statements like this that perplex me :lol: What exactly gave you the idea that I feel I'm "Better" than anyone else? Is this simple "misinterpretation" of my board conduct or personality, or do you have some sort of personal beef with me? How can you make statements like "God Complex" and the like and expect that the guy on the receiving end won't take it as a "Baiting" insult? Lets address these statements ...

There is always someone else FP, don't ever think of yourself as irreplacable, that applies to all aspects of life.

This comes across like you feel you're actually better than someone else. Wiser at the very least. As if though you've got the answers to the "Meaning of life" or something. Almost like a Father would speak to his son? You really expect that I don't already know this? You don't even know me :lol: The last thing I need, is any life lessons from you my friend. I'm not your son. I'm a big boy, and have seen and lived my share. For you to preach like this, comes across as arrogant.

We all want the "Good Stuff" Spidey, but not at the cost of our dignity to creators with a god complex. I learned a long time ago in my fighting days, there is ALWAYS someone better than you.

God complex huh? Last time I checked, I put my pants on the same way you do. Unless of course we're talking about the days where my pants are so stiff from bondo and fiberglass resin that I have to stand them up and jump into them :lol:

Look, I know I'm expendable. What exactly ever gave you the impression otherwise? I know "There's always a bigger fish". And no matter where I go, there's always going to be someone that can slap me down. The same goes for you too ;)

Well soemtimes that is hard, I know when I see someone doing something wrong, I dont really say "hey, maybe you might want to try....this alternative"

I kinda go "No, dont do that, you need to do this" and it comes off as I am saying I am better than they are, etc.

Yeah I come off a bit gruff, it's even worse in person. I'm not a good person, let alone better than anyone here, just to get that straight.

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