*Official*how much has your costume cost you besides time...

TOO MUCH. I spent tomuch already om materials and soft parts.
The reason for this is that I cant seem to be satified with what I want.
ok well im not done yet but...

helmet $55
jumpsuit $30
blasters $00 (made from scrap pvc and wood)
holsters $4
armor $15
boots $46
vest $5
gauntlets im guessing $10 n sintra with some wood parts.
jet pack probobally aroung $15 in sintra.

so thats....
buy only $94 in jango bought parts.
becasue i allready had the jumpsuit and boots layin around before jango came along and are part of a regular wardrobe.

so its really cheap do do these things UNLESS YOU ARE LAZY AND DONT MAKE THEM YOURSELVES!!!!! :p
About $1200 and some change plus a year and a half designing/planning/work for my custom.
Well I just started and am working on the Bucket first. So far between the helmet and supplies, I am at the $230 mark and I haven't purchased my paints yet! LOL
Mine cost around 1500 and that is with the crapy armor that I will later have to upgrade. Not to mention the movie prop space suit back pack from armageddon to make my custom back pack. But at least I know i won't get lost in a convention with all the people having siezers behind me.

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jeez......i think i've spent more for adhesives,tools, clay,plaster, and miscellaneous junk than anything...although my attempts to make the helmet have cost me any shred of sanity i had left, so now spending money dosen't even bother me.....i have achieved a state of righteous financial indifference....just ask Wal-Mart and Lowe's....they'll agree....

Fetthunter wrote:

It kills me that my "TK" (and TB and TD) friends in the 501st Legion that I troop events with THINK that I probably have "about $500" in my suit, since you can get TK armor for $450+. Little do they know (or would believe) that my costume is upwards of $2600 now, and I don't even have a jet pack yet!!! My helmet (MSH1) alone almost cost me as much as some of their entire COSTUMES did! :eek:

And THEY get snippy when we're at events and people bang on THEIR armor! :facepalm

Scratch that last total. Just recently bought a fiberglass jet pack and a Hyperdyne unit. Total is now $3000+ :eek:
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I just did a quick calqulation and I have got $2800 in my newest creaton so far. That dosn't include the $230 for the manniquinn it rests on now either.

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Wow, a lot has changed over the past few years (after seeing how my totals have changed). I stopped counting when I hit three grand.
ive spent about 500 on myne so far. lol :( an its not even sewn together yet lol.. uncle is dying with cancer, an grandmother n me havnt really had time to get workin on it yet. (ive just been paitin the plates an repaitin the helmet an such :) she is gonna help me with the jumpsuit an vest) hopefully we can get it done by august :) so i can be Jango Fett at Gen-Con lol!
OK, I've sold and upgraded so many parts since I started, do you subtract what you make on the upgrades from the overall total? So confusing...anyway...although I have no desire to acurately total everything up, A guess would be around $1200 - $1500.
Hi all,
I'm just starting mine, trying to scratch build as much as I can myself (ESB Fett) but had to buy leather belt & pouches. Made my flight suit, cod, girth belt, shin tools and I should have enough PVC sheet left to make my armor, so far I think I've spent about £200.
My current version...about $600 US along with paints and other things. Luckily I got my vest, boots and belt for free from a friend.
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hehe well lets see about 2,500.00 so far had the stuff made by someone and bought it all at the same time plus putting it all together and still waitin on frwakin boots and blaster
so about 2,700. give or take
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