Reference Hydraulic Transcription Turntable by JA Michell. Sweep arms/stylus brushes


So there are four different types of disc out there (I know this one is next to a Transcriptors brush but take my word for it that they are the same on some Michell).

1). The domed type pictured which is used for Stylus Brushes.
2). A smaller but similar disc used on the sweep arm brush.
3). A flat disc with bevelled edges of more or less the same diameter also used for stylus brushes (it's the same as the flat section at the bottom of the jetpack stabiliser).
4). A smaller but similar disc used for the sweep arm.

The two larger discs have the same internal thread diameter and the smaller discs have a smaller internal threaded hole but is the same on both small discs.
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Andy do you have reference pictures of the height and the diameter on the hole on this disc (pictured) as you have of this outer diameter?
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I don't but i can do some if I can find the disc (this is an old picture of a disc I gave to Gotwookie but I think I have another). Do you want pictures of all four discs? Do you want them posted here or at the RPF?
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Hi Andy, if you could it would be awesome. I'd be happy if they were here as it keeps the info all together with what you have provided about these pieces already :)
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Okay please clarify that you want pictures of all four discs? I want clarification because I'll need to take the brushes from the turntable to do it (a bit fiddle but no problem) and if it isn't needed it'll save time.
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Hi Andy this picture I hope illustrates what I'm after, as you can see I've adjusted the measurements previously provided (taken from my original disc), but would like confirmation on the conical one. The disc in the picture is a replica disc which I recently got hold of, though the measurements I have from the rpf don't tally. I'd like to confirm them on this part so I can finally think about getting some done for a Bowcaster build.


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I think I'll just photo everything I have and you can pick the bones out of it. I can tell you right away that that disc is based on a sweep arm brush and not a stylus brush. I just quickly checked my two domed discs (one with small hole and one with big hole) and they're actually pretty much the same diameter overall so I was wrong about that. I'll post you a proper answer with pictures in the next few days.
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That is an amazing looking turntable! Justin, it is possible to find one secondhand. I picked up this beauty at an estate sale last year for $85:


And I picked up Wish You Were Here about three weeks ago and it is amazing on vinyl!
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I got a similar setup Carole from a friend of my mothe in law a while back. I took out the turntable and replaced it with a CD player. If I can find a nice vintage turntable, I will swap it out.
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I bought this with the idea of cannibalizing it and using the cabinet for all the TV components. But I got it home, plugged it in and it worked. We got a new needle off the internet and viola! Now all my money goes to buying vinyl :)
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I bought this with the idea of cannibalizing it and using the cabinet for all the TV components. But I got it home, plugged it in and it worked. We got a new needle off the internet and viola! Now all my money goes to buying vinyl :)

Money well spent. Every penny. :)
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Very informative thread. The Michell TT sure is a neat piece of equipment and it's great to see where all these parts that we love come from.
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Apologies to Marv and to anyone else that has been waiting for me to get my glacial backside in gear. The discs with the larger threaded hole are for the stylus brushes and the discs with the smaller threaded holes are for the sweep arm brushes. The threads are the same size irrespective of the other features of the discs so if they look to be different widths then it's an illusion. The domed sweep arm disc has had a little damage as can be seen. The domed stylus brush disc is not the same one as pictured earlier in the thread; I gave that one to Gotwookie at the RPF. It seems to have been the same but I can't tell without having them both together which is obviously now impossible. As previously mentioned the first domed disc came with the Transcriptors brush (as opposed to the Michell) but Michell do also supply the same domed stylus brush discs so it really is all one. I have used my digital calipers as shown but I really wouldn't get too distracted by the extremeties of the details. I have owned three or four of the Jetpack stabilisers Michell parts and the bottom disc was a slightly different thickness on each; I guess it was just down to who was on the machine that day. Please ignore any earlier statements I have made about the relative sizes of the discs. I simply hadn't looked properly. It should make fairly straightforward sense but if it doesn't then please ask...

Live the dream












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Andy on the disc which is 5.87 in height what is the height of it to the point it goes into a cone?
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I make it about 3.77. It's hard to be exact because there is a tiny chamfer on the underside of the disc which is tiny but can just be seen in the 5.87 picture. Get PM?
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