FP Armor - Version 3

Volterc Any word on your flightsuit yet? Isn't it incredible how fast real products from real people can arrive.
no to your first question, and yes to your second question!
i know usps does a great job. and i'm sure you do as well. gonna get started on the armor this weekend, can't wait ....fettpride did such an outstanding job, gonna have to make sure to not mess those pieces up now, lol
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Glad you guys finally got your armor !!!!!


Well, I'm going to start boxing the armor starting today. I had a bit of a delay with some vac machine maintenance :facepalm I did't say anything when it went down Sunday, because I didn't want to worry anyone - it was for your own good, as I didn't know how long it would take to fix 'er up. So the good news is, we're good. Think of it like Han's Millenium Falcon, or a Ford - "Fix or repair daily" :lol: Well, in this case, not so much daily. But couple of times a year I blow a heating element.

To all that have pending PM's sent into me ... I'm sorry that I haven't got back to anyone in the last 3 or 4 days (or more). I'm just trying to catch up, so I haven't been on the computer. For those that see activity from me up here, just to reiterate ... it's not me all the time. the wife keeps track to let me know if my attention is life or death when I'm lost in the shop :lol:

Upcoming plans , and what's on the bench ....

Yes, there will be a second run of Armor very soon. Still a January deal.
I have some FPH's that I still ned to catch up on. Then of course, there are the V.2 Boba gauntlets (oh my wait till you get a load of these things :lol: ).
So i have a LOAD on my plate right now. Besides armor, and the upcoming gauntlet run ... all other wants and needs will have to come with a bit of a wait. I'm usually johnny on the spot with the goodie runs. Usually no more than a week or to. Now, we're looking at about 2-4 weeks on individual orders. Just a heads up. This really isn't bad considering what's going, and that it's about average for most vendors anyway. I just have to pace myself or I'll get BURNT fast :lol:

Thanks for understanding everyone. Doing my best for y'all ;)


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Awesome stuff FP! I CAN'T WAIT to see the V2 gauntlets! :love I don't care if the wife makes me sleep on the couch for a month, I'm in on a set of those for sure! :thumbsup:
Maybe its a good thing that I just broke up with my girlfriend after all, no more evil stares and 'what do you mean your going to wear it, dont be so stupid' :lol:
Hey FP,
Take it easy bro! One thing at a time. Don't want you to get burned/stressed out. Guants? :eek:Exciting!....I'm in of course...hehe!:thumbsup:
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Thanks a bunch guys

I should have something to post of the gauntlets in about a week. Cutting it close to the wire on a deadline for these, but it was worth every hour (countless) spent. A LOT of VERY subtle, lesser noticed details added, as well some refinements/adjustments ... and above all, a new shell attachment method. Oh, and some ESB flamethrower surprises :lol:

K, so .... a small UPDATE :

Please don't be concerned, not too much more of a delay with things (that includes armor), but I just wanted to share, and rant for a second :lol:


This is the "ambient" temp, in case there is anyone unclear as to how these bank thermos work ... and even though they can be "off" a bit ... their not "off" that much ! With the wind shill, it's probably -25 :lol:

So, some of you won't bat an eye at this ... <cough, cough - Canada/Minnesota> :lol: HOWEVER - I'M STILL ON THE WEST COAST DAG DAB_IT !!!! This sooooooooooooooooooo ain't right :lol: This is definitely the worst winter in Southern Oregon in 20 years at least, confirmed. We were just starting to recover from the last couple of feet of snow that pummeled us in 2 days flat !

It's not just the cold (I have a VERY heated shop), but more so the moisture. I have to consider buying a de-humidifier. I may just run and get one today, but it takes 24 hours for it to pull the moisture out of the air well enough. The moisture affects how the chemicals react, and catalyze.

Needless to say ... I'm delayed. So baaaaaaaare with me ( or should I SAY .... BRRRRRRRRR wit me) :lol: I'm not going to get all religious, but, uh .... isn't REALLY FREAKY weather one of the signs of "The end of days" ? Are the seas going to start turning to blood now ? CAH-REEP-EEE :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Hey Chris, sent you a scarf my friend :lol: Seriously though bro take it easy, we know everything you've done is definitely worth the wait! And wrap up warm we don't want you getting the sniffles :thumbsup:
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