
Well-Known Hunter

Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up to those that were attending this year, but STAR WARS FAN DAYS II will again be held in Plano Texas, October 25th and 26th.

  • TDH will have a room/table to help showcase FETT, along with the R2 Builders Room.
  • If you would like to help man the table please contact Batninja (and please bring your Fett items to showcase at the table.)
We have some great Guests lined up, and this is an "Official" Star Wars event.

special thanks to C2 Ventures/ Official Pix.

Hope to see everyone there!!! (y)


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Can't wait guys! Studio Fett is hoping to get a table there this year, fingers crossed, gotta work our butts off to raise the dough!

I'll be there. Should be wearing my TK for the very last time...I hope.

Unless some sort of miracle happens and Fett is completed. ~crosses fingers~
These wars in the stars you speak of?
Should I be concerned?


Dang! I'll be missing this one. Hope a lot of TDHers manage to make it! And be sure to bring lots of cameras, too. ;)
Shouldn't you be working on something....? :D

I kid. Hope you're back in time for the next one! Did you see my shout out to ya in my jet pack thread? Thanks to you, I had time to do this:

Hope all is well!

These wars in the stars you speak of?
Should I be concerned?


Dang! I'll be missing this one. Hope a lot of TDHers manage to make it! And be sure to bring lots of cameras, too. ;)
Easy there, Daikini!! I'll be sure to paint some big purple flowers on your FPH for ya. :lol: ;)

I looked at the convention website and of course, this is the show that Jewel Staite will be attending. . . grumble. . . mumble.
She had to change her schedule just before the last show in April. I really wanted to meet her.
Maybe some nice TDH member could hook me up with an autographed picture? Personalized to Eric-with-a-C. :D I'll pay of course.

Shouldn't you be working on something....? :D

I kid. Hope you're back in time for the next one! Did you see my shout out to ya in my jet pack thread? Thanks to you, I had time to do this:

Hope all is well!
Remind me and I'll see what I can do. If I don't simply drift off into a daze in her presence..... :)

Easy there, Daikini!! I'll be sure to paint some big purple flowers on your FPH for ya. :lol: ;)

I looked at the convention website and of course, this is the show that Jewel Staite will be attending. . . grumble. . . mumble.
She had to change her schedule just before the last show in April. I really wanted to meet her.
Maybe some nice TDH member could hook me up with an autographed picture? Personalized to Eric-with-a-C. :D I'll pay of course.
I will be there with my family! Wouldn't miss this one for the world. I am especially excited about meeting Bruce Chambell for the first time as I am a huge fan!
And it looks like, with the gracious guidance and time of Evan4218, I will be bringing my Fett.

Add a little pure ROTJ to all the SE stuff going around...;)
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