Scratch building the AOTC helmet.

Firespray, if you can size the pictures so that the 'colour band' is 1inch tall then that seems about right to me, based of measurements of my OSCS and Hasbro helmets
I'll see what I can come up with as far as screen grabs. I believe the Star Wars Chronicles Prequel edition has CG photos of the back view and possibly a top view. I don't recall if it shows the top view but I'm thinking it does. I'll look this evening. If so, I can scan these and draw them as well.

I'm sizing the drawings about the same size as the Kelloggs helmet. Do you think this will be about the right size?

Rather than a screen grab, can you use Illustrator to draw a plan view using the front and side shots.

I do this faster with pencil, paper, and triangles. It would take me forever on the computer. At the very top of this thread, the first plan view that drew shows an elongated cirlce whose dimensions are the length of the Disk in Side View, and the width of the Disk in Front View.

THat circle has a concentric circle shapes for the Plan View of the Dome on the inner most circular shape, and the BCD on the outside of the Disk.

The other items to add to a Plan View are the Fin, and the ears.
Sorry that this doesn't photograph well, but this is a plan view

Rather than a screen grab, can you use Illustrator to draw a plan view using the front and side shots.

Yep...that's what I need to do. Even though the drawings I did were drawn over screen grabs, certain parts do not match up from the front to the side view. I illustrated this in the pic below. Note how the front of the fin is lower in the front view than it is in the side view.

Something else to note, it looks like the front of the fin tapers in.
Clone front.jpg
Awesome job guys! Clonesix, great to see you working on the EpII clones again. Loved your suits at C3!

I'd love to have one of these. Or at least get a file that I can use in Pepakura. That would be awesome, then I could build one for my son and daughter!

Ok, heres my first full size drawing scaled up and slightly modified from my original sketches, I am aware that the 6 slots are all over the place :lol:

that's looking much better. I think the ear can move rearwards a small amount and lengthen the face, but you've got the idea.
Which part of the face do you think needs lengthening because I think between the visor and the mouth could be a little longer, I agree about the ear placement :thumbsup:
Which part of the face do you think needs lengthening because I think between the visor and the mouth could be a little longer, I agree about the ear placement :thumbsup:

I don't think it needs lengthening vertially at all. Be sure to give yourself room for the neck ring. There is a fixed amount of space between your eyeline, and your shoulder, where the bottom of the collar must clear.

If you move the ear towards the rear, the Thingy (#6) gets smaller fast. Don't let your Thingy disapear .

Assuming 26x22cm for the dimensions of the Disk, can you proportion the ear in the center and draw the Face and Thingy.
Well making these drawings was a little more difficult than I thought it would be. I don't know how accurate these are but take a look at these and let me know your thoughts.

Wow. I haven't been keeping up with this thread very well, but there is some impressive work going on here! Great job C6!

This is NOT a "work in progress" thread. After all, I built this helmet five years ago. The purpose of starting this thread was to provide a resource for those that wish to attempt to construct their own helmet.

As such, I recommended the most important step in building ANYTHING, and that is to have a good set of (1:1) drawings before you start to build! You can see the progress above. There are some nice sets posted here, but I recommend drawing your own.

As you have discovered, there is no more progress beyond that point. If you would like to give it a try, there is plenty of information on this thread to assist. If you have any questions, feel free to post, and I am sur eyou will get a multitude of responses.

Hope to see your work soon.
Can u show us HOW you made the helmets using pics as you go along or something??? I mean.....all of this IS helpful and all, but youhave to show us how to put the parts together and stuff like that. Check out how Antman did his Boba Fett helmet for and idea of what I mean. Thanks!
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