Questions about the Pre-Pro 1 Fett


New Hunter
Hey everyone, my name is Nate, I'm 17 and I'm semi new here after lurking on this site for a couple years without an actual account. I'm currently in high-school at the moment, but graduate this year and have some time to actually build a Fett suit after years of the big what if? and decided to go for it with this being my first Fett costume, Anyway, I'll cut to the chase below.

I'm planning to build the Pre-Pro 1 due to the uniqueness this costume has and how scarce and little is known about this Fett in general, while it being my favorite Fett variant due to the funky armor, I know there will be some flaws due to limited photos of the PP1 Costume but will gladly work through them.
I also have some questions about this Fett specifically the version 1 with the jaig eyes (not ears) any advice, criticism or help is appreciated!

The primary concerns I had with this costume were mostly pieces of armor being used on the other Fett suits, I've tried to find threads about the PP1 mainly and have only stumbled across a few making my options limited with this costume.

- Questions
- Are both Pre Pro 1's the same other than the moving of the eyes to ears and kill stripes on the helmet? From what I can tell nothing is different, but I'd like to verify that with you guys since all of you are very experienced in this and know what you're talking about and can pick apart even the smallest details that I didn't catch.

- The Armor (Chest, Shoulders, Knee Pads) the question I have is, Is it similar to the ESB molds due to the right chest piece having no dent like PP1 and the right shoulder pad having identical dents that of the PP1 or is it just a couple parts that are similar a long with other parts like the knee pads?

- The Helmet, Is it just a super trooper helmet with a big gash on the dome before the dent was added, since from my research at least, I can't find any other details or molds like with the ROTJ and ESB Molds where they had actual engraved damage.

- Gauntlets, Are the gauntlets also just the super trooper before they were painted, since both have the same extended black piece on the left gauntlet and right gauntlet details. From what I can tell, they look very similar if not the same, just painted.

- (Belt and Girth Belt,) Again I have trouble verifying the actual belt and have come to the conclusion that it might be flipped upside down or turned in a manner due to a wonky looking separating of the belt and an addition of having 2 weirdly located pouches but still unable to identify if it was whole different belt then ESB or just ESB with wonky addons. I also wanna ask if the girth belt is the same but just a brownish red rather then that eye popping red used on ROTJ?

- Soft Goods (Flak Vest, Flight Suit, Gloves) Are the soft goods like the vest, flight suit, and gloves the same with minor tweaks to ESB since the PP1 looks lighter then PP2 with a slightly darker tone of brown on the gloves and the vest looking slightly darker then ESB and the flight suit being a blueish hint like ESB or PP3?

- Cape/Poncho, The cape looks to be made of a medium canvas in a dark forest green?

Lastly I would like to thank you for reading this long wall of words that probably made you bored haha, and look forward to working with a lot of you on this side project that I've been scheming for years.
More questions and pictures will be uploaded once all this small stuff is cleared up so I can get the correct items, this will also be a slow process since this is a wonky suit with weird parts that come up every now and then.
- Yes the PP1 suits are the same, they just moved the eyes up at some point.

- All Boba armor came from the same molds, they just manually added dents by hand as they see fit. See this thread: The Fate Of The Twin Armors: Pre-Pro #1, Pre-Pro #3 and ESB

- All the helmets were dentless at first then the dents were added later for all but PP1. For PP1 they started by just putting a big gash in it. The actual screen test ST helmet become ROTJ Hero iirc. See: Fett Helmet History & Steven Coleman's History of Boba Fett book

- Yes, PP1 gauntlets are ST gauntlets painted.

- All soft goods were made at once but dyed different colors by ILM or Daydream Productions at different times. Then over time the dyes faded. In theory the color should be fairly close to ESB however given they were all dyed by hand and probably one at a time you end up with slight variances. The gloves were dyed brown by ILM but the PP2 gloves were dyed by Daydream. ESB gloves are a dark gray probably dyed by ILM. I'm not as versed in soft goods as I am armor so I'm sure someone out there has identified how many suits and vests were made and when they were used. It's entirely possible that the PP1 suit is the ESB suit just a little faded by the time they film.

- Cape is a green army half shelter, was re-used for ROTJ hero.
Ah, alright that clears up some confusion I was having just because there’s so many parts they used and couldn’t tell with the photos since they’re pretty old but I did have a guess that they were, I appreciate the help a lot since I can now focus on a couple bits at a time and slowly buy each piece confidently. I’ll probably start out small and look for the soft goods and that Martin baker clip soon since that gives me something to mess around with before I graduate, im gonna also look around the forums some more too since I probably missed some important threads that can possibly help me with this costume haha.
I've actually been going through the forum for the last few weeks searching for any and all PP1 threads and information myself. I'm slowly working up to doing a PP1 ears helmet, but also really enjoying learning even more about the evolution of the six suits as a whole. Something I enjoy specifically about the PP1 is the debate on the colors for the helmet. Was it indeed painted with the same green as the other Johnston helmets and looks bluish due to old photographs, or was it actually painted bluish (like the Kenner figure and cartoon based on it) before they decided to go green with the others?

But some other threads I've come across that may help:
The Boba Fett Suit Fact Files
Boba Fett Pre-Pro #1 (PP1) Helmet Stencils

and some paintups:
Superjedi's Pre-Pro 1 "Eyes" helmet
Superjedi's PP1 Eyes for Tennantlim

But not only is a really cool helmet, and unique among the original six, but the mystery of that suit is a huge appeal as well. Limited pictures and information but it's always exciting when someone on here learns something new or uncovers unknown info.
That’s what I loved about the suit, it was very different amongst the others (besides the super trooper and Ralph McQuarries designs) due to not having all the aspects the movie Boba had and instead was played around with which probably was the reason he had those Jaig eyes & ears along with the debate of the color being blueish green, the ketchup mustard gauntlets with an extension. It’s also not as common to see actually done and have yet to see an actual cosplay of it besides a helmet, probably due to the limited information contained with this suit. I was originally gonna do ROTJ SE since it had all the elements from both movies I liked, that being the ROTJ Jetpack and ESB Helmet with some touch ups and add ons to the armor and had tons of info for it. The PP2 was also on my mind since I liked that left gauntlet with the metal ESB pipe like extension with the red tubing wrapping around it before finding the PP1 images and the cool poncho concept that was incorporated from Ralph McQuarries drawings. Soon enough I fell in love with that suit especially the Jaig eye design that I wish they used. The threads you have provided will probably help me cut some more time off my schedule to work on this suit so thank you for that, reason being is when I try to find a thread about the PrePro(s) nothing much about the Pre pro(a) shows up so that’ll at least save me the time for research since everyone here are experts about every small nook and cranny on Fetts armor I will hopefully gain more knowledge not just on the Fett man himself but about the processes that go into making the suit itself, especially the stencils which will be the first I am going to use since I’m very new to it all so I’m probably gonna have to buy a airbrush, paint, materials, basically any item that’ll come in handy.
If someone could, what would you recommend to buy, build and paint this costume so I have the supply’s down? Any help with this whole project is appreciated. (Some of the parts I have checked down but will alter and change if recommended more accurate items or just the items themselves) MinuteFetts - Supertrooper helmet, BobaMakers - ESB Gloves dyed rit dark brown, the shin tools, The Martin baker poncho clip, boot spikes, both the gloves patches, supertrooper gauntlets,
That’s what I loved about the suit, it was very different amongst the others (besides the super trooper and Ralph McQuarries designs) due to not having all the aspects the movie Boba had and instead was played around with which probably was the reason he had those Jaig eyes & ears along with the debate of the color being blueish green, the ketchup mustard gauntlets with an extension. It’s also not as common to see actually done and have yet to see an actual cosplay of it besides a helmet, probably due to the limited information contained with this suit. I was originally gonna do ROTJ SE since it had all the elements from both movies I liked, that being the ROTJ Jetpack and ESB Helmet with some touch ups and add ons to the armor and had tons of info for it. The PP2 was also on my mind since I liked that left gauntlet with the metal ESB pipe like extension with the red tubing wrapping around it before finding the PP1 images and the cool poncho concept that was incorporated from Ralph McQuarries drawings. Soon enough I fell in love with that suit especially the Jaig eye design that I wish they used. The threads you have provided will probably help me cut some more time off my schedule to work on this suit so thank you for that, reason being is when I try to find a thread about the PrePro(s) nothing much about the Pre pro(a) shows up so that’ll at least save me the time for research since everyone here are experts about every small nook and cranny on Fetts armor I will hopefully gain more knowledge not just on the Fett man himself but about the processes that go into making the suit itself, especially the stencils which will be the first I am going to use since I’m very new to it all so I’m probably gonna have to buy a airbrush, paint, materials, basically any item that’ll come in handy.
Glad to help! And yeah, I think I've only seen one person try to do the PP1 suit, but I'm not sure if they finished it. See below.

I originally did the ROTJSE as well, when I was just a little older than you. I got a Sgt. Fang Mystery Helmet and didn't realize it for a really long time, but I painted it copying the PP3 paintscheme. This was when I was on the As You Wish forums, heh. Now I have converted everything to the Mandalorian season 2 version after my wife pointed out I've always been more of a Temuera Morrison shape than Jeremy Bullock, which actually meant a lot at the time because she's always passively supported my nerd stuff but she was really excited for me to get back into costuming with that version. Now I've done a sorta transitional version that has some BOBF elements, but I want to put some of the PP1 jetpack markings on there and also replaced the hand armor plates with ones that have the same shapes as the PP1 glove patches, so trying to honor that one as well. And now I'm considering filling the dent on that Mystery Helmet and adding the slice for the PP1, then I'll be trying those stencils for the first time myself as well. Real mishmash costume anymore.

Also found some other threads that may help some:

Question about flightsuit pants bottom PP1
Pre Pro 1 Armor Color
If someone could, what would you recommend to buy, build and paint this costume so I have the supply’s down? Any help with this whole project is appreciated. (Some of the parts I have checked down but will alter and change if recommended more accurate items or just the items themselves) MinuteFetts - Supertrooper helmet, BobaMakers - ESB Gloves dyed rit dark brown, the shin tools, The Martin baker poncho clip, boot spikes, both the gloves patches, supertrooper gauntlets,

Archive-X paints are an excellent start for paint, and probably can paint the entire kit.

Shin tools you can easily make yourself with modern parts

The 4th tool is still unknown. Some speculation: RafalFett Strikes Back... with the 4th Shin Tool!

Any metal parts (toe spikes) go with MachineCraft for sure. Can't beat em.

The baker clips are rare, they pop up every now and again on the forums and ebay. Just be on the lookout.

I've got gauntlet (Gauntlets) I'm fond of. They are for ROTJ/ESB but I can work with you to get something more PP1. I don't know of anyone that offers straight up PP1 stuff at the moment. The gauntlets are pretty much ESB just with a different flamethrower.
Glad to help! And yeah, I think I've only seen one person try to do the PP1 suit, but I'm not sure if they finished it. See below.

I originally did the ROTJSE as well, when I was just a little older than you. I got a Sgt. Fang Mystery Helmet and didn't realize it for a really long time, but I painted it copying the PP3 paintscheme. This was when I was on the As You Wish forums, heh. Now I have converted everything to the Mandalorian season 2 version after my wife pointed out I've always been more of a Temuera Morrison shape than Jeremy Bullock, which actually meant a lot at the time because she's always passively supported my nerd stuff but she was really excited for me to get back into costuming with that version. Now I've done a sorta transitional version that has some BOBF elements, but I want to put some of the PP1 jetpack markings on there and also replaced the hand armor plates with ones that have the same shapes as the PP1 glove patches, so trying to honor that one as well. And now I'm considering filling the dent on that Mystery Helmet and adding the slice for the PP1, then I'll be trying those stencils for the first time myself as well. Real mishmash costume anymore.

Also found some other threads that may help some:

Question about flightsuit pants bottom PP1
Pre Pro 1 Armor Color
To be honest, mish mash suit’s themselves are pretty cool with different elements from each Fett and maybe different colored flight suits, I actually have yet to see a mish mash Fett suit but with every feature from all the Fetts maybe a thing I’ll do in the future haha.
Archive-X paints are an excellent start for paint, and probably can paint the entire kit.

Shin tools you can easily make yourself with modern parts

The 4th tool is still unknown. Some speculation: RafalFett Strikes Back... with the 4th Shin Tool!

Any metal parts (toe spikes) go with MachineCraft for sure. Can't beat em.

The baker clips are rare, they pop up every now and again on the forums and ebay. Just be on the lookout.

I've got gauntlet (Gauntlets) I'm fond of. They are for ROTJ/ESB but I can work with you to get something more PP1. I don't know of anyone that offers straight up PP1 stuff at the moment. The gauntlets are pretty much ESB just with a different flamethrower.
I think that would work, it would just take a bit longer to figure out and tweak with but it shouldn’t be to hard since it is just a ST Flamethrower or ROTJ with an extended piece, but it’s not like I’m in a rush either since I wanna take this costume slow and be patient with it. We can probably work things out with the flamethrower and the gauntlet when you have some time since I don’t wanna take too much of your time with this project but if you are available then I’ll be more then glad to work with you with the flamethrower piece!
RafalFett has the PP1 flamethrower housing available through shapeways under the name "rafalworks." Are you going for a completely accurate recreation?
I will be trying to go for completely accurate if possible since I’m a big perfectionist! But if not I’ll try my best and tweak things and mess around with stuff just to learn some knowledge on painting,tweaking, building armor itself, and will at least try making it to the best of my abilities as accurate as possible! I’ll also take a look at that thread!
I think that would work, it would just take a bit longer to figure out and tweak with but it shouldn’t be to hard since it is just a ST Flamethrower or ROTJ with an extended piece, but it’s not like I’m in a rush either since I wanna take this costume slow and be patient with it. We can probably work things out with the flamethrower and the gauntlet when you have some time since I don’t wanna take too much of your time with this project but if you are available then I’ll be more then glad to work with you with the flamethrower piece!
Alright I was looking at the flame piece and it is not the same or even close to ROTJ so that is a mistake, it’s more like an octagon shape tbh so that’s gonna be fun trying to create or search for.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the PP3 use the PP1 gauntlets as well? So that's a way to see a few more angles of that.






The jetpack is also the same one.

I'm guessing you're going with the second version of the helmet? And the traditional Chronicles photo-era? Has anyone found good screenshots from Under The Helmet with the parade footage?

And one other option, though there may be only one photo of it, was this promo suit:

PP1 With Promo2 Armor.jpg
I’m going with the first version with the eyes instead of the ears, I was actually looking at that photo yesterday haha, that promo suit is pretty cool since it features a different chest piece then what was used.
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