Post your Artwork :D

Are you using Photoshop by chance Metadude? It seems that your colors are nice and shading is nice but I feel the lines need to be smoothed out. If you happen to use Adobe Illustrator as well, it I'd be interested in seeing what your stuff will look like using vector based lines. I think that would really help polish your final pieces!
Are you using Photoshop by chance Metadude? It seems that your colors are nice and shading is nice but I feel the lines need to be smoothed out. If you happen to use Adobe Illustrator as well, it I'd be interested in seeing what your stuff will look like using vector based lines. I think that would really help polish your final pieces!

I wondered that too Archaster, but look at this one he did. I think he knows, but likes the other look maybe?

Here's a quicky I drew for my mum's b'day yesturday

two images I drew yesterday night
My go to image for when people argue with me on the internet about pointless things

r34- Dayum internet! you crazeh?!
You should get a wacom tablet for your computer. If you can do this good with just a mouse, You'll be surprised how much easier it is with a nice tablet to draw on instead!

There's a slight learning curve to it but after a few hours or days it starts to click!
here's one I did in Illustrator can't seem to find any others :/

I know they're around here somewhere...

I'd definitely look into a tablet, I worked with one a few times and loved it! :) everything on here looks amazing BTW (y)


  • gabriel.pdf
    86.7 KB · Views: 360
Yeah, my friend suggested a tablet- I'm going to spoil myself and get one for christmas :D


Smooth lines :D it looks nice
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