New Version of vBulletin - ALL PLEASE READ!

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
We have recently updated to vBulletin 3.7.0. There are a TON of new and exciting features that are included. Please bear with us as we sort through them. You might see some new items that may or may not function completely. You may also see things appear and disappear over the next couple of weeks. Again, please be patient with us as we configure the new features!

Had me worried when I went to refresh the page and got some "Database under maintenance" msg or something of the sort. Thought the site got haxor'd for a sec.

I'm liking the new changes to user profiles already!
Sorry for the lack of a heads up. There have been a few loophole concerns so we just went ahead and made the upgrade as soon as possible.

And yes, the user profile area is probably the most affected. vBulletin is definitely moving in more of a community/myspace/facebook direction with it's member lists and user profiles.
Sorry for the lack of a heads up. There have been a few loophole concerns so we just went ahead and made the upgrade as soon as possible.

And yes, the user profile area is probably the most affected. vBulletin is definitely moving in more of a community/myspace/facebook direction with it's member lists and user profiles.

Glad you just went ahead and fixed it. I had a bad experience at where the site got hacked, then was shut down for 8 months, and finally came back up, but was never the same. Made me real sad.

And the facebook-esque features are great, gonna allow us to get to know each other better.
Whew buddy.. I am not entirely sure I see this whole "friends" thing as a good thing... cause all I see is "why won't you be my friend" and "if you have HIM as a friend then I am taking you off MY friends list." I hope that it doesn't further reinforce some of the cliquishness we have seen rear its ugly head over the past year or so. It is certainly an interesting new toy, but I am not entirely sure how useful it will be. Who knows, maybe I will be wrong and it will actually strengthen the "community" feel. Guess time will tell.
Whew buddy.. I am not entirely sure I see this whole "friends" thing as a good thing... cause all I see is "why won't you be my friend" and "if you have HIM as a friend then I am taking you off MY friends list." I hope that it doesn't further reinforce some of the cliquishness we have seen rear its ugly head over the past year or so. It is certainly an interesting new toy, but I am not entirely sure how useful it will be. Who knows, maybe I will be wrong and it will actually strengthen the "community" feel. Guess time will tell.

I see what you're saying. That's part of the reason myspace annoyed the hell outta me. Had me only slightly worried at first, but I think what differentiates the people on here from social networking sites, is we all came here for a singular purpose; Star Wars costuming. Friends second, imo. That common interest right there should prevent any "myspace drama".

I used to be a member of, and it was geared specifically toward gamers. Everybody there shared a common interest, and for the most part every user was friendly and nice. Sure there were a few pricks every now and then that were just begging to get the ban-hammer, but that's the nature of the interwebs.

Whereas on myspace, you get all kinds of people; everybody is different, and personalities are bound to clash, so of course there's that petty BS going on all the time.

So I don't really see any bad coming out of it now that TDH has some of those friend features.

But then again, I'm still a newb here, so what do I know?
How profile says I have made no friends...LOL

I don't like you and I drink with you. ;)

Of course then again I almost prayed to the porcelain god at you place.
It was a non alcoholic incident.

I dont know if this "friend" thing is a good idea. I can see members PM boxs filled with request to the point that they get tired of pushing the "OK" button. PM box fills up and no one can get a real PM to that person. And like BB said I hate to see a childish fight on here.

But give it a shot and see what happnd's.
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That's it! I'm making a Brak's Buddy Likes My Little Pony group, and Bob and I will be the leaders! You'll never have any friends on here!!!!!

Sir, are you implying there is something WRONG with liking My Little Ponies? Oh I don't think you want me to bring my pony loving friends here... you wouldn't want that... No indeed. Besides... we all know you and Bob both are closet My Little Pony lovers so you are fooling no one...
Hey if we didn't have a little fun every now and then things would get boring around here... and it is ALWAYS worth taking the time to make a little fun of my best friend, Bob.
nah, dont really care for the myspace aspect. It creates all kinds of problems, just get's to kinky and weird and it will spawn cliques and divisions within the board. I banned the use of that site in my office, and I will summarily fire anybody who use's it on company computers. I killed my account there and my life has been completely civil and hassle free without it. But, I am looking foward to some new bells and whistle's so bring them on!
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