My Rick Massa Shadowfax ROTJ Armor Build Thread

Looking good man! Great progress! I love how I read people saying “I wish I had that applicator when I did my helmet/armor/Jetpack” - a find like that is what this forum is all about!

I’m just glad I haven’t started any of that yet, so now I can buy the applicator and be good to go, hahaha!
Looking good man! Great progress! I love how I read people saying “I wish I had that applicator when I did my helmet/armor/Jetpack” - a find like that is what this forum is all about!

I’m just glad I haven’t started any of that yet, so now I can buy the applicator and be good to go, hahaha!
Yeah it's a must have
Got the green on








AMAZING start - especially since your initial videos you were teaching yourself to airbrush! It’s both inspiring and daunting coming from someone that has also never airbrushed before...
AMAZING start - especially since your initial videos you were teaching yourself to airbrush! It’s both inspiring and daunting coming from someone that has also never airbrushed before...
Thank you so much yes hopefully I’m doing good enough that the powers that be will bless me with an approval when it’s time. I would hate to think that we get to a point in this activity that the only way to get approved is to get a commissioned costume. When it comes to airbrushing just practice practice practice
Coming together nicely! Only feedback I have would be to clean up some of the green over-spray in some of the areas where it should be just silver. I ended up using a small brush to address the areas where it happened to me. Amazing start though!
I did the dome and cheeks green but thought it was too light so I made the cheeks darker and liked it so I remasked the dome and darkened it as well as did some of the light and dark grays the rest will be done topically other than the killstripes which I will airbrush. After all this its on to the upper cheeks.






So I have adjusted the green on the dome and cheeks, and just finished spraying the Tamiya Sea Blue XF-17 for the upper cheeks. Starting to look like something.






Was not happy with the blue so I repainted it using the same xf17 as well as blue and green xf 4 and xf5 and misted with grey xf19. much better result. Sadly I am going to stip the dome and try again from scratch to improve the weathering. it is too clumsy looking. not accurate.







Ok so since my last post where I had the back panels done, the dome and lower cheeks basically done (except for fine detailing and misting), the kill stripes painted on, and the blue upper cheeks done, some things have occurred.

I sanded the dome and got paint dust all over the helmet. I tried to clean some of the dust off but whatever I used had something in it that takes off paint so when I masked the blue to repaint the cheeks the beautiful blue got pulled off.


So I had to repaint the blue but since I had achieved it once I was able to do it again.


so I moved on to kill stripes using the correct orange this time and got this


but it was still too light so I played with it and got this


This is mine against the stencil


and mine against the crl model


I think it is really close and remember I am going for "basic"

next up will be the silver then red. I am using the claret wine red the same as my gauntlets but I will not have black underneath like I have on them.
Also did my woodman cape this weekend. I had bought a shelterhalf replica that I was able to get two capes out of that I practiced with first.


This is what i ended up with. I burned the holes with a lighter, cut it all with a hammer and also did some painting.


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