Larger Avatars and Profile Pictures now allowed!

Now how about larger sigs?

We will take this into consideration. Our reasoning behind small avatars, small banners at the top of the page, and small sigs is to help restrict vertical space. We often see forums that have more signatures and avatars than actual content and one must scroll and scroll to get to the content they are looking for. This is why TDH has historically been very tight vertically. A second reason is bandwidth and the time it takes to load larger images. As the percentage of internet users with larger monitors increases and broadband access becomes almost universal, you will continue to see us relax on these issues.

I too appreciate the increase of the avatars..

Behold the tubazooka!!!!
The Army's top anti-personel/tank/woodwind weapon!!

We will take this into consideration. Our reasoning behind small avatars, small banners at the top of the page, and small sigs is to help restrict vertical space. We often see forums that have more signatures and avatars than actual content and one must scroll and scroll to get to the content they are looking for. This is why TDH has historically been very tight vertically. A second reason is bandwidth and the time it takes to load larger images. As the percentage of internet users with larger monitors increases and broadband access becomes almost universal, you will continue to see us relax on these issues.


when the smaller signatures came into effect, I didn't like it at first, but when I started going on other forums where people would make a one sentence post but yet it took up the whole screen, i started likeing the small ones.
Also, I think custom user titles are cool too. Most forums have those.

At this point we are going to keep the signatures at 60X468 for the vertical scrolling concerns mentioned above. We had custom titles at one time but found that they became something of status symbols and since we wanted a persons contributions to weigh more than an automated or custom title, we did away with them. You might still find the post on it somewhere around here.

Why can't I seem to get my sig image:


To appear in my sig? I've tried uploading and linking to the offsite image through "My Helmet" to no avail??
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