Jango knee darts and gauntlet darts,LAST CALL!!

1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5 - 76 euro - PAID
2.CaptJono - kit# 2 - 20 euro
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1 - 29 euro - PAID
4.pane - kit# 2 5 - 30 euro - PAID
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5 - 52 euro - PAID
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5 - 46 euro
9.BH1053 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
10.reveal1vader - kit# 1 2 3 4 5 - 94 euro

List closed
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5 - 76 euro - PAID
2.CaptJono - kit# 2 - 20 euro - PAID
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1 - 29 euro - PAID
4.pane - kit# 2 5 - 30 euro - PAID
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5 - 52 euro - PAID
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5 - 46 euro
9.BH1053 - kit# 2 - 20 euro - PAID
10.reveal1vader - kit# 1 2 3 4 5 - 94 euro

List closed
1.MonCal - kit# 1 2 4 5 - 76 euro - PAID
2.CaptJono - kit# 2 - 20 euro - PAID
3.AdmFrancis - kit# 1 - 29 euro - PAID
4.pane - kit# 2 5 - 30 euro - PAID
5.Cruzer - kit# 1 2 4 5 + darts for kid gantlets
6.Brad1957 - kit# 2 4 5 - 52 euro - PAID
7.HMPOTC33 - kit# 2 - 20 euro
8.BKBT - kit# 2 3 5 - 46 euro - PAID
9.BH1053 - kit# 2 - 20 euro - PAID
10.reveal1vader - kit# 1 2 3 4 5 - 94 euro - PAID

List closed
I sent the stuff the 12-04:) .

I would answer to all pm that I have received:
In this moment I can't work on the darts because I really don't have time in this period:facepalm
I'm sorry if you lost this run...but from June I'll be able to work on them!
So...thanks for your interest,but now I can't help you.
sorry men :facepalm
I shipped all the stuff the 12-04 and the 14-04 the packages was sent in USA by the Rome air mail agency.
I have the traking number,but i think they are valid only in italy because i think the US postal system,when take the packages,change the traking number.

yuor traking number is RR593067831IT

yuor traking number is RR593067876IT

yuor traking number is RR593067828IT
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