Interest\signup for Hand Crafted, Wooden, EE-3 Webley Stocks

Is there anyone out there who knows anyone who can make these from a cheaper, lighter wood ? If it has any grain, it would still look good, then just stain it.
Walnut is very expensive. Even more so if you wanted to use English Black Walnut(which is what they used to make the stocks on the original Webleys).
You're looking at about $30 for a piece just barely big enough to make the stock. Then it'll take you about 2 days to shape it properly.
Then another 2 days to stain it, sand it, stain it again, sand it one more time, and clear coat it.
So yeah,
$100 per stock sounds about right with all of the work involved.
Walnut is not Cheap.. but if this is for ESB, then it's totally the extra charge is warrented.(y) Let me know when to pay, I'm still in.;)

***OH and Please don't stain mine, if at all possible.... I want mine plain.
Just noticed... you have the back side (butt of the gun) too rounded off.
Should be flat. (y)



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Spidey, Good eye. :cheers I have it here in front of me and I didn't see that. I called Greg, and let him know. He said that he'll take $50 shipped for it since it's not "perfect". It's up to you, otheriwse still up for grabs. He also said that he'll continue to make these, as his time permits, and when there's a lull in his shop. As he makes them and offers them, i'll keep posting them here for others.
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hey Scott, just out of curiosity, will the wood stocks be lighter than say the solid resin stocks? like the ones that come with the sidewinder kit? thanks...:)

Just to touch base on this as well, the Walnut stock is MAYBE 1/4 of the weight of the resin. My ROTJ blaster is SO much lighter, and comforatble to carry, it's rediculous. I was really surprised HOW light it was, and also how HARD this wood is. You can knock on it and there's a "THUD".

I would really like to see this through for everyone, is there still interest if I get him to agree to $75(shipped), and a timetable??

If so, i'll start a new thread.....
.....unless you need the payment in advance?

No No NO, there will be NO pre-payments. I made that request of him. When there's something in hand to ship, then he'll let me know. Once they're ready, you send HIM payment(not me). :cheers
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