Helmet Decals (2nd Run NEW LIST)


Well-Known Hunter
ESB Helmet decals 3rd run in Cargo Hold 11/16

11/16 UPDATE
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been purged, so I started a new thread in the Cargo Hold.
I've been getting a lot of e-mails and PMs about helmet decals, so instead of me doing these one at a time to order, I'll start another interest list.
Again, these are $8 for a set, with the new white "u"s included.

So if you want a set or two helmet decal sets, please post your interest for a 3rd run.


*End update

If there are no more interest in these, I will close the list this weekend.
Thanks to all, without you I would not be able to continue in my prop addiction;)

Please post if you want to be added to the 2nd run for these decals


Update 7/18/06
For those in the interest list, please send pay-pal payment of $8 to forpoopinsilly@aol.com
For those outside the US, please add $.50 for shipping. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR TDH HANDLE

These decals will come as shown in the picture below. The small details need to be cut out according to their grouping. The clear tape on top is a clear masking to keep the details together and will need to be carefully removed once placed on your helmet.
Thanks all,
The list is CLOSED, but post if you are interested in a future run.

Newbie Freebie Giveaway is OVER Congrats to all. . .now on to the interest list.

First of all I have to appologize for not being able to post much except for FS threads here on TDH. I am however always checking in here and have seen Awesome works both from the Newbies and from the old timers and I applaud you all.

Anyway, I'm going to offer up for sale Boba Fett ESB helmet decals (for larger helmets not Standard DP) and since I no longer work at the sign shop, I had to raise the price to $8 shipped within the US.
This is for the complete set as shown below, I even added one I missed before ;) .

. . .but first, going back to my roots, I'm going to offer FREE helmet decals to the first four (4) NEWBIES that post here and sends me a PM with their shipping info (US residents only, sorry.)

To those others who would like to purchase a set, please post below and I will PM you the payment info.
Sorry for the long post:lol:
10 Available (increased due to interest)
1. batninja PAID
2.Solochaser PAID
3.CMAnavy PAID
4.TK2647 PAID
5.TK-2177 PAID
6. psberetta PAID
7. Jango's kid PAID
8. VaderFanForever1922 PAID
9. mandalore697 PAID
10. evan4218 PAID
11. LionsPride PAID
12. TeamFett PAID
13. deadbolt PAID
14. kalarcana PAID
15. sithlord23 PAID



  1. superjedi PAID
  2. AFettFullofDollars PAID
  3. texasfett PAID
  4. texasfett PAID
  5. MandalorFett PAID
  6. mrgr8ness PAID
  7. Spideyfett PAID
  8. micke PAID
  9. pghfett PAID
  10. shabad PAID
  11. SlaveR5 PAID
  12. Firespray PAID
  13. TK-Fett PAID
  14. Predatormv PAID
  15. Bubba Fett PAID
  16. Bubba Fett PAID
  17. rmschneider104 PAID
  18. psych0ticmisfit PAID
  19. Neyo PAID
  20. SMGesus PAID
  21. evan4218 PAID
  22. CenteroftheMind PAID
  23. DarthMiller
  24. Jango_Wes PAID
  25. john.django PAIDsorry I skipped you
  26. webchief PAID
  27. webchief PAID
  28. webchief PAID
  29. Indy_Solo PAID

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Am I still considered a newbie? Hehe...

I'm in for a set, too. :) PayPal standing by.
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I'm not sure if I still qualify as a newbie or not. 4 months on the board. Can't hurt to try though. PM sent.:)
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PM sent, and to clarify, Newbies would be those with under 100 posts or have been here for four months or less ;)
drokkul, I did not get any PM if I do. . . then there were two (2)
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You got the last one bud, Congrats.
By the way Batninja, you almost got free decals but you were just barely over the post limit ;):D
Now on to the interest list - get them while they last. . .
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Since I'm planning on doing annother bucket one of these days, I might as well get annother one of these great sets. PM sent;)
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Please put me on the list as well. With any helmet I get, it will probably need these babies!

What is the shipping to Canada, eh?
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