Custom Mandalorian Custom Mando - DarthFettious (working title / WIP)

As a complete novice to all of this, I've never seen the method with the tape for wear/damage, how did you do that?

First off, thank you.

Here's my logic behind using tape (this all being in my own opinion): when paint wears over time (think of an old car or house) there is a thinness that the layers of paint show, in addition to chipping or flaking. I feel that Boba's bucket is a prime example of that. Flat finish, smooth texture, thin layers, worn from damage but damage that happen some time ago from when we see it (in the films).

Now when you take a hammer or blunt object to a painted surface and smack it, you get fresh damage with a high wall on the layer(s) of paint that flake off. A high wall being the actual thickness of the paint layer.

With the liquid making, the thickness a the edge of the area mask tends to be thin and inconsistent. It's perfect for creating warn, weathers paint that is simulating ware from damage that is not recent. I wanted it to look like I was in a battle last week. Haha

So, by using the tape, I get a nice high wall because of the thickness of the tap and the consistency of the tape. The process is fairly the same although much more tedious.

Spray layer one. Dry. Then tape off the shape of the damaged area. Spray next color/layer. Repeat. I wanted to show the "metal" of the helmet, the primer coat and then the top coat. Each looking like fresh damage was made.

Then I went back (and still have more to do) to add more detail and weathering to each layer. Scratches, burns, scuffs... All the detail that explains the damage a bit more.

I mentioned tedious... Yup. Grab your bucket, some painters tape, through on your favorite episode, plop down on the couch and start tearing tape and off you go.

Some pics that might be a bit more detailed to show:




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Much better pic of the body armor concept. Left is flat to show base shape and right has some shading to show some depth and definition to the angles.



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