Boushh Boushh helmet build - for Jesster


I wasn't going to post this build to TDH but I'm just having too much fun not to. Another commission build, this one if for the lucky Jesster. As usual, kit was provided by Todd.

I've gotten smarter this time and got through all the messy parts in one go. Prepping the helmet with sanding, cutting out lenses slots, trimming parts and assembling the ear greeblies usually takes my whole first day of working on the helmet. Good prep work really goes a long way. I won't say much else about the build. I'd just like to show some consistency with my helmets so anyone wanting a build can feel confident in my work. Enjoy. :)


Looking great. I've heard the leather is a PITA. What's your secret to getting it to lay flat and stay secure?

Yea, the leather can be tedious for sure! I think half the secret is the kind of leather you use. I use a really nice deerskin that's only about 2-3 oz. The leather is very soft and light weight. It molds around corners so nicely and is somewhat flexible so you can pull it around into place. I've also spent some time getting my templates for cutting just right. They fit like a glove. The other half is just taking your time to get it right. I've been using just CA glue to put it into place as well as a hot glue gun for the tucked under pieces. But I've got some legit leather adhesive/cement coming in the mail and am going to start using that because I think it will go down nicer and a bit faster too, since with the CA glue I'm literally doing just one line at a time.
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