Jet Pack Boba Fett ESB JetPack Paintup for GCNgamer128


Active Hunter
Hey Team,

Just thought I'd share the results of my latest JetPack paintup for Andy's ESB Boba Fett. And I still need to paint the little squares black next to the red piano keys.

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 8.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 10.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 9.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 12.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 13.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 14.JPG

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 15.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 16.JPG

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 17.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack 6.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack Paintup 4.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack Paintup 3.jpg

Boba Fett ESB Jetpack Paintup 1.jpg
Wow this looks amazing. I need to do some research about how to paint the armor, jetpack, and gaunts. I've been spending all my time on helmet research...
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