Boba ESB 3d printed


New Hunter
Hello everyone!

My name is Mike.

Over a year ago I got my first 3d printer and 6 months later got another one from my wife as a gift.

I have started my first big 3d printing project. A full set of ESB Boba Fett armour.

I have started with Rafalfetts 3d files off shapeways and 3dwarehouse, took them into blender and started making some changes.

First off I needed to model the dents using the sculpt tool. I took Rafalfetts painting templates off this forum and used them, and pictures online to create some of the dents.

So far I have the left chest, right chest, center diamond and one should done. The belly plate is printing and almost finished.

For the gauntlets I am creating the 3d model on blender from scratch using references found all over the internet.

Once the armour is complete I plan to start on the jetpack. I will cut up the pieces to fit my ender 5 build size and piece it together after its all printed.

The EE3 is from Hex3d Patreon. It's not 100% accurate, but for now I enjoy it. I will reprint another one day, again using Rafalfetts awesome files off the internet.

I will be using a combination of FDM printing and SLA resin printing to create all the armour pieces.

The Helmet is a Black Series Helmet.

Any constructive criticism is welcome, especially with the dents I have to sculpt. This is my first project so I hope it all goes well!

Thank you very much to Rafalfett. If it wasn't for his generous 3d files and templates all online I don't know if I would have had the confidence to embark on a project like this.


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The belly plate has finished printing. At first I thought I made the dents to big and deep but they actually don't look too bad. Again criticism is welcome.


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Thank you all! I'm excited for paint as well. I'm going to attempt the left chest piece first.

I'm going to start with filler primer. Sand away, then a base coat of silver. Then I was going to attempt using some liquid mask, or hairspray to mask off the weathering. Then layer by layer put down the paint.

I'm used to painting small models, not big stuff so this is all new to me.
I made the dents in the right shoulder. I'm not sure how happy I am with the big weird looking dent. I might redo it and print another.

I'll let you guys, the Boba Fett professionals, decide if it looks half decent.


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So far you nailed the dents. Keep up the great work!
Thanks Levi, appreciate it. I'm excited to get some paint down and see how awful I am at that haha.

Since these are originally your 3d armour, and im only editing it, as long as I have your permission I can upload the ESB dented versions of the armour, or give them to you to upload somewhere safe for anyone else to 3d print as well. I plan to do the ROTJ versions immediately after.
I think it is safe to upload the files here in STL format, but archived as ZIP, or create a new thread for the dented armor variants. You can also upload them to Thingiverse or some other place, because they will eventually, uncontrollably find their ways to those sites.
I think it is safe to upload the files here in STL format, but archived as ZIP, or create a new thread for the dented armor variants. You can also upload them to Thingiverse or some other place, because they will eventually, uncontrollably find their ways to those sites.
Sounds good. Once I get the neck piece, cod, and knees damaged I will upload and send a link to this forum. Thank you very much for letting me share.
Hi! This is a little late, but I was wondering if you got any mesh errors when trying to print the files out? I'm going to try and use RafalFett's files (which are so, so awesome!) to make the armor for my Supertrooper build, but I'm getting some errors in Ultimaker Cura about the mesh
Sounds good. Once I get the neck piece, cod, and knees damaged I will upload and send a link to this forum. Thank you very much for letting me share.
Hi, I was wondering if you finished and or have uploaded the files anywhere? They honestly look amazing and I would do the same but can’t use really use CAD for ****.
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