Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy?

Thanks, glad you like yours. Sometimes some bad things do get shipped I guess, I am sorry for that.

Then you can't sit here and get mad with the people who are upset that the quality they expect wasn't met.

People here expected quality that used to be a mark on what was Ruffkintoy Boba pieces.

You are right, sometimes some bad things do get shipped, and every reputable supplier on this board would go above and beyond to get that defective piece replaced.

So is it really that hard to make sure that you are sending a quality product out? With the time frame you now work with which seems to be a 4 month minimum, how can you NOT give quality assurance? You can frequent other boards, but can't seem to pop over here for 2 minutes and type a PM that will update your customer. There is atleast a question of ethics here. The evidence here points to a consensus that not visiting here was a dodge. An attempt to not have to tell the truth. This adds up to shady business. And now that people are coming forward here, where they figure you are just gonna dodge anyway, you seem offended. What about the people who spent hundreds of dollars for products they expected to be better and shipped to sooner? They are offended by the constant promises being broken, and the lies to cover them up.

So in retrospect, sometimes letting bad pieces get out isnt the problem. Its doing nothing about it and acting as if thats the best you can do. its your responsibility to give a customer the product you sold them in the time frame you give them, and the quality they are told they will get.
And who's been scammed?

In Nov. 2006, I ordered a jumpsuit, and ESB Sidearm. This took 7 months to make, because I e-mailed you repeatedly because I desperately needed these items before Celebration IV.

The condition of the jumpsuit was extremely subpar. The pouches were on the knees, the crotch was 8" too low, and the arms and legs were extremely baggy. It seems as if the only measurement you went off of was my height, because the other measurements were ignored completely. In turn, I had to modify the heck out of this jumpsuit with only 2 days before I left for Los Angeles. I did so many modifications to that jumpsuit, that I may as well have made my own from scratch.

As an appology for all of this, you said you would give me an ESB Sidearm Holster for $50. I declined this offer, because I knew that I would be getting the sidearm holster 8 months later, in that time of waiting for my sidearm I made my own holster. What gets me, is that you take 8 months to take care of 99% of your customers, but when Texas Fett Productions needs a piece from you to make another ESB Fett, you have anything they need to them within hours.

I was scammed, Chuck.
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well i feel i am involved. i have been waiting on my stuff for a little while . still no gauntlets. i have recieved "the shipping tommorow, i will send you a tracking number" email from you more than once.

i send you eamils you do not anwser very often, so i quit sending them. what was the point of getting a reply that was bs?

i just want my gauntlet kit and be done with it.
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i said i wasnt going to say anything, but Chuck keeps bringing up my jumpsuit situation, and wow, another jumpsuit issue...
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Then you can't sit here and get mad with the people who are upset that the quality they expect wasn't met.

People here expected quality that used to be a mark on what was Ruffkintoy Boba pieces.

You are right, sometimes some bad things do get shipped, and every reputable supplier on this board would go above and beyond to get that defective piece replaced.

So is it really that hard to make sure that you are sending a quality product out? With the time frame you now work with which seems to be a 4 month minimum, how can you NOT give quality assurance? You can frequent other boards, but can't seem to pop over here for 2 minutes and type a PM that will update your customer. There is atleast a question of ethics here. The evidence here points to a consensus that not visiting here was a dodge. An attempt to not have to tell the truth. This adds up to shady business. And now that people are coming forward here, where they figure you are just gonna dodge anyway, you seem offended. What about the people who spent hundreds of dollars for products they expected to be better and shipped to sooner? They are offended by the constant promises being broken, and the lies to cover them up.

So in retrospect, sometimes letting bad pieces get out isnt the problem. Its doing nothing about it and acting as if thats the best you can do. its your responsibility to give a customer the product you sold them in the time frame you give them, and the quality they are told they will get.

nicely put(y)
Proof of my jumpsuit's pockets being mucked up. See how low the left one is as compared to the right. This picture was taken a probably a few hours after I got it, because I had absolutely no time to waste fixing this problem.

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Chuck I have also sent you numerous emails as to why you haven't completed an order. I have asked for the girthbelt to be sent as it was not with the original order. Nathan West brought the Boba kit from you and I have since brought it from him. He has supplied all of the one way emails he sent you but you haven't bothered to reply to him.

So how would you like to settle this and send the paid for item from over 12 months ago? Send it to Nathans address and he can hand it to me.

Or I suppose you can reimburse him for the belt.
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I have merged the three threads about this issue into one so that all the complaints, concerns, and answers don't have to be crossposted to additional threads.


I had hoped to not need to post here, but since you are still asking what you have done and how could we take any action against you, even after it has been explained by both the administration and the members, let me see if I can make it clear.

We have an obligation to protect our members when possible. Why do we do this? Mainly because when they are mistreated, they come to us or post publicly on the board about their issues and the unity of the community is disrupted as we have to deal with the issue. When possible, we like to head these things off and stop them or at least ensure that TDH is not contributing to the problem. When it is a single, isolated event, as you quoted the CoC, we try to stay out of it and allow the two parties to reach an agreement. However, when it is a single person who is repetitively doing something that is causing discord and problems, we will step in and take action.

You seem to have the misconception that because your sales were "private" or that they occurred outside of TDH, it is outside our scope of interest. This is incorrect. Your items are promoted here and talked about here. When you don't come through with a transaction reasonably, whether it be a time or quality issue, it means potential issues here. We do not want people here who cause issues because it causes issues for us. You may not agree with that, but that is the way it is. At this point, people do not need excuses or attempts to rewrite what has happened. There was a time when you had a good reputation as a seller and there is no reason why you couldn't again. The choice is yours, but if you think the administration of TDH will sit idly by while you continue your current tactics, you are mistaken and perhaps TDH is not for you.
sounds like alot of people are in the tree with me that you are barking up...all i know is, from experience, and from following people here, and on the hunter'slair, is that your business ethics, communication, integrity, etc are all in question, Chuck...the only person you have chosen to talk about is me...why is that? are you afraid of the many others that you have done the same to? you come after me cause i am avid about this, standing up and being a voice, and being a vendor myself, i have high expectations for providing a quality item and service for my customers...and it pains me to see my fellow brethern be put on like you have been doing...

you still have yet to answer the real questons keep saying "well, you got your items", that isnt the problem...the problem is you lied about timeframe, when did you realize you couldnt fullfill orders when promised? why would you take people's money when you couldnt live up to your promises? these are the questions you are avoiding...these are the questions that your customers have, wondering if they are going to get their stuff or keep posting up things that i have pmed you, who cares? the point is, you have terrible business ethics, and you ARE running a business, online business at that, which does require computer time, oh wait, all these customers you have are coming to your house to order their items, is that it? :facepalm anyway, your communication is misleading, and you lie to people about what is going with their stuff when you do finally decide to communicate...that is the problem...what do you have to say for that?

i am so sorry for commenting again...i just cant keep from it...:facepalm i cannot sit back and let someone try to weasel their way out of a situation by trying to pin something on me...i wish i knew how many other people have been in my situation as far as this is concerned, but couldnt, or didnt know how, to speak up..."if you dont stand for something, you will fall for anything..." :cheers
Ok to address Why I'm making an issue out of the banning. I'm not really trying to make an issue, just trying to get an answer. I don't care about a 2 week banning that I didn't realize happened just wanted to know why. I understand people have been waiting on their stuff, I have seen other people that make things and have things happen to them that causes delays but no banning there. Is it because I don't come here enough anymore? Or make a public post here about things that have happened? I just didn't see where TDH who says in the COC they don't get involved in private matters got involved. I still don't get it but I guess I'm not aloud to ask a question?
Andy, I know that jumpsuit didn't arrive to you with the pockets like that. And who is Texas Fett productions and what have I sent them withiin hours? I use to talk to you all the time,even after you got your jumpsuit and you didn't bring up that you were scammed or anything.
I don't want to create any drama or start anything. I asked what I thought was a valid question, Slave1pilot thought so as well. I made a thread to people who were involved in current affairs and got ripped for that because someone not currently involved got involved. Then in the other thread yes I guess I did start to get upset when someone who told me before loved his stuff only to have him now saying he didn't so I called him on it. I even posted a pm I got from him saying he loved the gauntlets.
Fettdad, I am not coming after you its the other way around. I was just saying why did you tell me you were happy with the product(not happy to just get stuff) then say it sucked after a year? Then comment on a thread that didn't concern you. Thats the only reasons I said anything directed towards you.
I've been making stuff for awhile now, not going anywhere or ripping anyone off. I have fixed or replaced broken items many times, sent free replacement items many times that people have lost or broken, helped people out that couldn't afford to buy stuff, and done services for free as well. If there is something wrong with something you got from me, say something to me about it. Don't say you love something only to come back on here later and say there was something wrong. I am willing to work with you guys and fix the problems if any. I'm sorry I sometimes get behind on orders and shipping dates.
you still keep talking to me...why dont you talk to those whose money you still have, and they dont have their items...why dont you answer the question "what are you doing with these people's money for 8 months? making predator items?" get real chuck!

for the last time, you keep asking me the same question...i told you, i didnt say anything about it, cause i didnt want to wait the same amount of time i waited the first go 'round...why dont you tell people how many times you said you had a tracking number for me, and that my stuff would ship the next day, with an email with the tracking number in it, and then it didnt happen? why dont you go there? you are so interested in trying to prove me wrong that you arent taking care of the problem you have with people now! really?
Since the 'sale' of the ROTJ Boba Fett kit my friend Nathan purchased (which I now own) from you is in the past does that mean you won't be fixing it? RE: sending out the girthbelt? Or could I just invoice you for the replacement I had to purchase?

Just got a pm from Chuck. Said he will post it as soon as he gets an address. Cheers
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It seems to me that continually selling via internet constitutes an online business. I mean you sell a single helmet and spats here and there, fine no business, but you take orders vi pm or whatever, receive payment via internet, congratz you have an online business. Regardless, you DO have a responsibility to update those that have paid you, and update them with the truth, not just say what they want to hear to get them to shut up about it. Waiting for an update, while watching you take more orders on another forum is irritating, and doing so is bad form. You continually insist that no one approached you with issues, yet with the amount of issues being stated, I find that impossible to believe. And yes, if you sell jumpsuits thru your "buisness" you are then responsible for a shoddy job on their part. Again once in a while, and being told the truth I doubt most here would take issue as long as you took steps to fix it, however with no updates, just a package with a messed up item, I'd be rather upset too.

And as for Fettdad having an issue with you on every thread. I fully support that. I got ripped by SFP, I make sure on every thread in which it is discussed that I let everyone know what kind of buisness they run, I don't want anyone to miss the info and waste their money, He is apparently doing the same thing, making sure people know full well what to expect. And is seems others have had the exact same issues with the same items from you. How you shove this off as "sometimes bad items get shipped" is rather flaky. The excuse of "not on here much" is of no importance. You took orders from members here, they apparently couldn't get ahold of you through your given address, so they took other steps, again this is your fault, not theirs.

You want it to stop. Fix it. Stop telling people 2-4 weeks, tell them 4 months minimum. Stop saying a tracking number is being sent, and not doing it. Take time to look over the work of your seamstress etc... to verify their work matches the work order. Answer your emails, I undertand you may not be able to every hour, but 1 email a week isn't that far outside limitations I'm sure. Don't take more orders than you can handle, start doing limited number runs like doing a run of 10 gauntlets. I've bought quite a few things from BM, and I was told anywhere from 3-6 months. I wrote it down, during the final week I emailed him to check, and he wrote back within the week (usually within a day) and let me know if it was rdy or delayed. The items I got were superb work and well worth the wait and the price paid. Eveb before payment while just inquiring he was quick with replies and told me beforehand if he was backed up or not.

I've seen some of your gauntlets, and the ones I saw were awesome. I was seriously considering buying, until I saw countless people coming in with bad reports. Sure one or two could be just harsh feelings, but there are way too many for them all to be like that, and you're way too insistent on it being "sometime **** happens" "it's not my fault" etc... for me to feel comfortable with buying any now, escpecially with MOW having nothing but good reviews.

Sorry for the long post, I'm just someone who got ripped and I'm seeing the same trend here that I had to while dealing with SFP. I hate it, and thought I'd offer some contructive critisism. Take if or not.
No that would be an open issue as he didn't get the girth. I messed up, thought I sent it because it was nowhere to be seen. I then ordered another girth to make a new belt, resized it etc and didn't get it shipped. I know I drooped the ball. I sent both you and Nathan a PM and will get this resolved this week.
Mandosoldier, I really haven't taken many orders lately because I am trying to get all this caught up. I'm down to just a few fett orders. I have been turning people away or telling them it's going to take longer as I have been busy. I'm not here trying to make excuses and say it's not my fault. When I say things have happened to delay yes they have but thats not important.
If someone has issues with something I made or had made for them they should come to me and say This isn't right or this sucks. How else am I suppose to know they are not happy? When I get an email saying "Got the stuff, looks great!" Or "Love em" or don't hear from someone how am I suppose to know? Paul didn't ask for hinges, got the gauntlets and then wanted hinges, I offered to make him a new set,with hinges in exchange for the others. I told him not to send those back til I get the new ones done and out so he can use them if needed and not have to wait. Andy broke and ESB flamethrower years ago and I sent him a new one, did I have to? no but I did. Like I said, I have sent numerous freebies,replacements,fixed things etc. Why? Cause people contacted me about it. If you don't hear back right away, contact me again and again. I'll get back to you.
If any of this sounds like I'm mad or anything I am not, I'm just talking here. The only thing that made me mad is someone saying they loved what they got and is only now bringing it up that they had a problem with it.
just say my name, man...and once again, you avoid the point...i am glad to see that you are taking care of mention that you have stopped taking orders, how valiant of wouldnt be in this mess if you did that 8 months ago, man...

when i said something about the jumpsuit, it was the truth...i didnt tell you because, drum roll please, like i think i have said this 10 times now, i didnt want anymore BS still avoid the lies you told me, you just focus on my not saying something to you...i have told you why i didnt...others dont tell you for the same reason, they are tired of empty promises, and no responses to still wont explain what you do with people's money for that length of are not being honest with anyone here or are just being self righteous and trying to show that i have wronged you in some way...if i see a thread open up about a situation i have been in, i am going to chime and and explain myself...i didnt want to see other people go thru what i went thru to get my one should...ya, you dropped the ball and kept taking orders, and then disappeared...thats the problem, not me telling you i liked your stuff and then saying i didnt...

i worked your gauntlets, they were fun! that isnt the problem...the problem was, i was new, had NO clue what i shouldve been getting, and no clue about casting, whether good or bad...the more i was here, the more i realized what a poor job you did making the gauntlets, and then the jumpsuit, and i just said to myself i dont want anyone else to have to deal with something like, when the threads began opening about you being MIA, i explained i had issues with getting my stuff, and dealing with the lies as well...when someone would chime in defending you, i would respond with the ethics thing, and then became very passionate about were nowhere to be found, never once made an appearance, and now, you try to defend yourself here? you got too many disappointed customers to try and justify means nothing what i told you and then told TDHers...i didnt tell you, cause i didnt know better...when i see people not able to find you, worried about their money, etc and then i see pics with terrible casting, i posted and said the same thing happened to, i wasnt going to go back and tell you, it was way, way passed that point...i was done with my gauntlets, so what good would it do to tell you then anyway? so, there ya go...thats my story, what is yours, Chuck? you gonna fess up and tell us what you did with the money when not making items? did you use on your so called medical bills? did you invest it to earn some interest? you werent making anyones got it in you? or are you just going to make another comment about me saying one thing to you and telling people here another thing?
What gets me, is that you take 8 months to take care of 99% of your customers, but when Texas Fett Productions needs a piece from you to make another ESB Fett, you have anything they need to them within hours.

:confusedAndy, that is not how it happened... to comment on something like you know something that you don't and throw names around is not cool.... cause that's not even close to how it're just assuming.

If you must know Chuck owed me a holster that was paid for months in advance, as for the Jeremy project we bought Two of everything, again the Project has been over and almost a year past it's not like he put my order ahead of anyones, order had already been placed months in advance for the second holster, we just hadn't recieved it like everyone elses order...and trust me i sent him a fair amount of emails just like everyone here did to ensure status , so there was no "playing favorites" as you put it.... plus I didn't want any prep done, I did all the work to put the thing together. As normally Chuck sends out a finished holster...point being the less work he had to do the better, and we would get it sooner because of it.

and for the record I think there is something to be said that Chuck is back trying to make it right.... he could just run and hide, no? but he is facing it head on... and trying.... Should he be accountable for an apparent ton of mistakes? heck yeah 100%... IMO, it's up to him how this ends..and I think he's taking the first RIGHT step.(y)
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and for the record I think there is something to be said that Chuck is back trying to make it right.... he could just run and hide, no? but he is facing it head on... and trying.... Should he be accountable for an apparent ton of mistakes? heck yeah 100%... IMO, it's up to him how this ends..and I think he's taking the first RIGHT step.(y)

i support that! i do appreciate him at least getting after it and getting things taken of...:cheers
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Guys, I am not involved or anything, and im not going to chime in with anything defending anybody. Why dont you guys just leave this behind you, and let Chuck just fix everything. Im sure he can do something to fix this. Lets just stop this nonsensical arguing, Im sure nonsensical is not a word.

I know that you guys are spending upwards of $200 for his services or maybe less, or even more, but if you guys give it more time things will be fixed.
Guys, I am not involved or anything, and im not going to chime in with anything defending anybody. Why dont you guys just leave this behind you, and let Chuck just fix everything. Im sure he can do something to fix this. Lets just stop this nonsensical arguing, Im sure nonsensical is not a word.

I know that you guys are spending upwards of $200 for his services or maybe less, or even more, but if you guys give it more time things will be fixed.

Hear hear ,chuck is trying to fix things now hes addressed some issues ,let all just be a happy TDH family ,i dont want anyone to get banned just over this ..thats not cool !! :(
Yes, I am trying to get this straightened out and thats all I've been trying to do today. I'm sorry if I got upset but don't say things that aren't true. Yes some people have gotten bad stuff apparently and some people have had to wait a long time.
This is the last time I am addressing Fettdad in any post, I said I was done but he keeps chiming in and and I said I would look up his wait time. The claim is the gauntlets took 3 months, The truth: Ordered on 3/3/08 then more parts were ordered 3/17/08 and the gauntlets were to be shiped with them(cod,kidney,knees and jumpsuit)
Items were shipped 4/14/08 all but jumpsuit. 3 months? no less than 6 weeks. Jumpsuit claimed took 6 months to recieve. Sent money on 3/17/08 (Yes there were delays with the seamstress) Shipped out 6/09/08 6 months? less than 3 months. Yes I have the paypal receipts and delivery comfirmation slips for these items. And I already posted the PM saying he loved the gauntlets and was sending people my way for them.
I'm not making any excuses on present orders, I know I'm late on getting them out but I don't need posts with exaggerated wait times that are double what it took. I'm done with the Fettdad, I just wanted to post that so people would know. Sorry everyone, mods,the dent etc. for the drama today.
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