Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy?

Hey Penny....whats your problem with "newbies"? Did you not read all the post before you decided to just chime in:facepalm. There is an issue here and you coming along saying we are a bunch of crybabies is totally uncool. Look I am NOT mad about it taking so long (as I am sure most other people are with me on that), it is the NO response that is making the issue. If you would have read before you would have known that. Also just saying "senior" means NOTHING. It is the people who post regulary and are willing to help out where needed and that are posting updates of real life Fett found items that makes this site what it is. You could be a senior and do nothing but does that give you this upper standard?...NO. Being a senior is a good thing, being a newbie is a good thing. Being a Fett fan is a GREAT thing. Being a family here on TDH is an AMAZING thing. Those are just my two cents.

Sorry if I come off as being harsh but I needed to get it off my chest. But I am crossing my fingers for you all to get your stuff by halloween. Wishing you all the best of luck.
^that ESB quote made me laugh. And I think he just did, cuz I JUST got an email from him.

"Hey Peter, I'm on my way to ship the stuff now. Sorry about the delay again, A few weeks back I got hit in the head during a high wind storm and have been in a lot of pain. I keep meaning to ship each day but usually wake up with such a severe headache and neck pain I can't seem to function. I'll get you the # when I get back.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it can still get here in time for Halloween, with enough time to clean the stuff up and paint and attach it.
THEN I can finally shut my face and quit worrying...
OUTSTANDING!! (IF it happens) If you get your stuff then there is a snowballs chance that I could get my blaster from Hotshot that was promised three weeks ago...
Well I'm in the same boat as you with the blaster, but I'm not even going to start worrying all over again. Whatever happens, happens. We'll see.

And I'll be sure to update you guys on Chuck too, hopefully somebody else has heard from him as well.
:cryYou new guys are way too impatient:facepalm Yes, I know we all want it now...;)

totally agree with maruader...implying that people are being crybabys about being lied to is waaaay off base...most of us dont just have a couple of hundred bucks to drop into when we do, it means alot to be updated, contacted, or refunded so we can go somewhere else for our this case, it seems people are being taken advantage of, and that aint right...
PENNYWISE: Let me put this into perspective for you: I work as a Paramedic. That does NOT pay well. I made the choice to get a great Fett. In order to do so, I have to work extra shifts. I have worked 30 extra shifts of 12 hours for some months to be able to pay for it. I´m not complaining about that, my choice.

However, the time lost with my family, friends, not to mention my sanity because I have to deal with sick and dying people all the time, REALLY makes me angry when a guy like Chuck fails to even update me on progress.

UNCOOL, dude!

*edited for Pennywise instead of Lost Son.. My mistake!!*
any news on Ruffkintoy ? I paid him many many many many months ago for a project and never heard anything back

tried, email, pm , everything. :(

Last email I got was promised in August for Dragoncon. Needless to say August came and went without any response. A Simple reply would have satisfied me.

But now I'm real concerned

last communication from chuck
May 1
to me

show details May 1


No, you didn't scare me off LOL.
I can add the black or gray to them no problem. As for adding the metal parts I'm not sure if you would damage the paint, just depends on how good you are LOL. If you want I can remove the parts for you so you can just add them or I can add them in metal for a little extra(costs of the parts only)

Just let me know what you want me to do. I can get them to you by August if you order shortly.

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Ahhhhh. He didn't specify which August!!!! Crybabies!!!!

Well for 140$ and no reply this crybabies going start a dispute with paypal.

I know little chance of getting it back but I can go on campaign to insure no else pays for his services.

Hope it all works out and he communicates soon
I'm almost in the same boat as Mikey Fett. I'm getting pretty close to making some MoneyBack noises myself. There's more than one vendor for gauntlets.
Sparda I am really hopeing you get your stuff, but you are going to have to put in alot of work to get theses looking good for Halloween. Just a heads up....get a very fine dremel tip. You ask why, well you are going to have to go through every hole on the gaunt rocket and clean out all the left over resin. There is a lot of work to be done on these. I am already thinking about upgrading my gaunt rocket. But hope he does get the tracking number to you. Let us all know.
Whoa! Stop the boat!:eek: First off I never meant to imply I'm any better or more entitled than anyone here just because I've been around longer.
I agree 100% that if an artisan here on TDH made an agreement and accepted money and fails to fulfill his or her's obligation it is a load of cr@p, however as already posted it is a sad fact that happens all to often.
This hobbie IS NOT a quick process, especialy if your relying on others to help you.
According to Chucks profile he hasn't even been active on TDH in three months so making an intire post to slam him is rather useless if your trying to motivate him to ship your orders quicker, and actualy border line "flaming" which is a violation of the code of conduct.
I sincerely understand your concerns and frustration, however Chuck is a well respected member here at TDH and to my knowledge has NEVER burned anyone.
The bottom line is he makes a top-notch product for the price and I think it would be hard to find better for the price, which is the pay-off of having to wait.
New members usually don't understand this and end-up getting very upset with this waiting game and in the end it all works out. Will you get it as soon as you had hoped for? Probably not. However he will come through, he always does.
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pennywise, i totally agree with you, bud...chuck does have good stuff, that is not the problem...its not even waiting...its NOT KNOWING....the lack of communication when the money has been spent is what is freaking members out...all he has to do is drop a line...what did FettPride do in his decision to back out for awhile...i was not here when that happened, but i knew what happened cause he told everyone....when vendors dont let buyers know what is going on with their money, it is wrong, and i dont care what kind of reputation he may have or any other vendor may have, if you dont communicate, that rep goes you know where!! if you have never been shafted before, you wouldnt understand....yes, chuck has a great rep, i even referred him to someone who is being shafted right now by him...was he reputable when i referred him? yes...does that mean he wont shaft you, obviously not...if it is so difficult to type a little note saying what is going on, you really shouldnt be doing this kind of is disrespectful, and dishonest...MOW, Bobamaker, GalacticBountyHunter, just to name a few, let people know what is going on...dont tell me you cant just drop a line...dont tell me you cant go to the post office cause of some incident...if my stuff is ready, have someone else take it to the post office...have someone else type up a note here...i recall SpideyFett did that for Taco a few days ago...if i see my hamburger sitting under the heat lamp at mcdonalds, i expect someone to go get it for me if the clerk is taking another order!! it is not rocket science is respect and character....
Pennywise... you're absolutely right. This should not have become a thread to bash Chuck. I didn't participate in it for that reason at all. I simply wanted to know if something had happened to him, since he was always very good about sending progress emails. There had been a blackout with that regard for about a month, though.

I heard from him today and he has had some medical issues which have prevented him from being as productive as he would like to be. But he assured me that he works on our backorders as much as physically possible right now, and I got the impression that he has a lot of our stuff done and ready to ship within the week.

In my contact with him today, I simply urged him to keep in contact... even if it's just to inform us of more delays.
Penny,I would like to apologize for my previous post:eek:. I though you were saying our complaints were uncalled for and that we were just causing a ruckus because of the Newb status. It is MY bad and hope there is no hard feelings. I fully agree with your new post, he does deliver...just not in the most effecient way. I hope this does get better but you have a point...he really isn't an active TDHer anymore. Also I feel that Ruffkin is a good guy, I am not saying he is a slime. He just isn't the best at keeping us in the know and saying something and not following through. I do pray the he heals from his injury as I am sure it is somethign not to be taken lightly.

Again I feel bad, rereading my previous post, and glad things are cleared up.
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