Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy?

Yeah im just hoping there all good when they arrive ,we,ll see .

I got money on that you will be dissappointed. I think is using the same molds from two years ago. Resin pieces look bad. At least mine did and about a month ago another member posted his that were terrible. Sorry this is negative but wanted to giveyou the heads up.
I know his excuses. He told me a lot. He wants to ship my stuff and send me a tracking number so many times ! I have lost all hope that i getting my stuff.:( 700$ for nothing!:angry
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I know his excuses. He told me a lot. He wants to ship my stuff and send me a tracking number so many times ! I have lost all hope that i getting my stuff.:( 700$ for nothing!:angry

Man $700! :eek: You could get a MOW jet pack and guants for that. I know I would be ready to track someone down and get that money if it was me. I hope everything works out man.
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Man $700! :eek: You could get a MOW jet pack and guants for that. I know I would be ready to track someone down and get that money if it was me. I hope everything works out man.

Thanks! I better had do so and let make MOW this! I suggest Ruffkintoy long time ago that i just want my money back when he not afford to make my stuff! I am really helpless from germany.
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Hey guys, this was 2 years ago... it wasn't Christmas 08, I think it was Christmas 06, so I don't see how that's favortism, I was just stating that he had quick turn arounds in the past and was great to work with and now that's all changed.

Not following your thought process on favortism...

ok, you are telling me he doesnt have friends that he does favors for? really? when i see that others get their stuff in just a few weeks, and i have to wait 3 months, and you dont follow the favoritism? c'mon...
Talking about favouritism, anyone else notice how he can get a Sidearm holster to SpideyFett within an hour of asking, but can't get someone a pair of gauntlets they ordered 9 months ago?

there ya go, well said Gamer!! it is obvious there is favoritism going on...why do people still defend this guy? and he did have good news spread about him...that is why people went to him for stuff...he just took advantage of the income, and didnt give any outcome...
He may have people he does favors for, but I was not one of them. I had never had any interaction with him before nor have I since. Again, since this was 2 years ago you can't say that I was getting some sort of favor because people now are waiting that long. Something obviously changed from then to now.

I am not still defending him. At the beginning of this thread I was saying give him time and he will come through. I was basing that on my 1 time experience and his good reputation. he has obviously squandered that reputation and I would not deal with him ever again or refer anyone to him.
He may have people he does favors for, but I was not one of them. I had never had any interaction with him before nor have I since. Again, since this was 2 years ago you can't say that I was getting some sort of favor because people now are waiting that long. Something obviously changed from then to now.

I am not still defending him. At the beginning of this thread I was saying give him time and he will come through. I was basing that on my 1 time experience and his good reputation. he has obviously squandered that reputation and I would not deal with him ever again or refer anyone to him.

pm sent brother..:)
Hey Cranky,

i realy like your gauntlets:)
Here you go:


I can snap more if you need:)
Hey guys after over 4 months of waiting from Chuck to send me my ESB gauntlets ,they finally arrived today fresh from the box (y)
The Picture doesnt do them justice but they do look good close up in person,having said that there is a little problem on them ..rather than having piano/door hinges ,Chuck has rivited em :facepalm

Anyone know how to get around this problem and take the rivets out without breaking them ??

BTW there a bit dusty when i got em out the box and just need a light clean up .

Anyways heres the gauntlets .

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