Another Wasted Fett Fugly helmet paintup...

Assuming this does have the lineage no one in the know seems to want to step forward and state, what is being shown is NOT a "straight cast." The unaltered castings still have all the paint marks in them. What is being shown has undergone considerable cleanup. Different from the cleanup MinuteFett did, but similar in nature.

I agree that they're similar in nature and that there hasn't been any clarification. Yet, only one helmet is making these claims of being a directly cast from the hero, unless I'm mistaken?
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Assuming this does have the lineage no one in the know seems to want to step forward and state, what is being shown is NOT a "straight cast." The unaltered castings still have all the paint marks in them. What is being shown has undergone considerable cleanup. Different from the cleanup MinuteFett did, but similar in nature.

I'm not seeing the paint layering, same as you, and that was visible on other material I'd seen. Also F4R's cast here has the cheek cracking missing although the evidence of it having been removed remains in the picture.
I would prefer a qualifying statement to go with these casts rather than oblique references or statements that appear completely untrue e.g. sculpting in that damage, which, to me, is not particularly believable. Even were that statement 'here's my ESB cast; I can't talk about it, so don't ask'.
It does not reflect well.
Looking at the two helmets being offered by WF and MF, there certainly does seem to be some sort of connection/similarity.

In regards to the question whether Fett4Real replicated the crack, while he did do an amazing job the differences between his work and the actual damage are noticeable. The image MF posted showcases it even more. We all know that F4R has references available that others do not and that fact is apparent when looking at the accuracy of this damage. Art, you most of all should be able to see that.
So to you guys doubting if I sculpted the damage or not. As I said I did and it’s “easy” for me personally. I’ve been sculpting things for as long as I can remember. I don’t play at being an artist I can paint more then a Fett helmet. And I can and have sculpted a thing or two. I did this here same damage using that pic MF posted of the unclean helmet in 30 minutes after work today.
Hope you enjoy the walk through my process. After it sets up the apoxie sculpt is Sandable and paintable. It’s great stuff! As for the castings history and such I believe Wasted Fett will cover that himself. As I understand it, it has similar history to MFs helmet he was posting about. I only posted my personal helmet paint up now because the other helmet WIP I mentioned earlier and MFs helmet thread. And with those cats out of the bag so to speak, and nothing happening as far as shutting them down. I figured it was safe to start a thread showing this paint up. Which I haven’t done in a while.
Yeah I too would love to know more about the history of these particular castings since they're the first finally making it to us. We all know what they are, and have for a very long time, so I don't really get the cloak and dagger stuff surrounding these either. It's sounding like MF's kit offering will be either a 2nd or 3rd gen of the ESB Hero depending. Perhaps WF would be willing to clarify more about his WF Fugly offering.I'm assuming it too will be at least a 2nd/3rd gen
Exceptional work on replicating the SE damage F4R!
You been hiding in the corner bro? Thanks! Haven’t seen you here in ages!
Haha, mate, I still lurk regularly, but unfortunately had zero time for Fett- related work these days. That darn ‘real life’ thing keeps getting in the way ;) But I still love it and always love these boards, so I’ll always be around. Hope you’re well legend, your work looks like it just keeps getting better and better! (y)
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