A fun hypothetical to a vendor


Active Hunter
Happy Friday Fellow Fetts,
I had a fun email I wanted to share with y'all, that I had with Daz (aka Boba Maker). I was inquiring to the current time frame on my ROTJ Jetpack I'm having him do and thought of a fun hypothetical and decided to ask. Here is what I got back.....
Email response from Daz.jpg

Not really knowing what goes on in taking on such an endeavor, and if he didn't have any of the parts ready or casted, about how long would that take him - realistically? So, he'd have to cast and paint EVERYTHING. I'm gonna guess many a sleepless night.

It's fun to dream - have a good weekend guys!

Does Daz not have employees?

When Portugal went into lockdown last year he did a Facebook update about how he was now the only one working.

It would still take a considerable amount of time just to paint it though.
I've been in good communication with Daz and he told me the same last year as well. But now, it seems he can have employees in his shop, so long as they mask up. Given the price tag I don't think it is unreasonable to ask the master himself to give it the paint job/love, or at least inspect every piece with a fine tooth comb and his seal of approval before it goes out the door. But I think you're right, painting is a time suck.

But he does say in his reply "...wouldn't be a problem".

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