WOF Jango cod question


New Hunter
OK this is driving me up a kriffin wall. has anyone else been able to successfully make the Jango cod from the WOF templates? I've been trying to figure out how to make the raised piece that joins the front detail piece to the main back piece. the section in question is the middle piece on the left of the pic below marked with the x


any suggestions? I'm trying to help Darman get his Jango as ready as we can before PCC and the cyanide72 cod just isn't going to cut it
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for the raised section, cut a second piece of the section with an extra 1/4" added to all sides except the bottom curve. And a few tabs that are about 1/2" at the corners. Bend the extra bit 90 degrees and attach it to the main body of the cod with some 2 part epoxy on the tabs.

for the scoop, you'll have to fashion your own. it's basically a long curved triangle, then cut it to fit. i don't remember how i did it exactly, so you'll have to play with it a bit to get it right.
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