Excellent files Thanks for uploading these and taking your time to make it free and downloadable

how do you convert these to A4 paper as we do not have letter paper size ?
Alan, you are awesome. I'll probably be using your templates to make a kidney plate since my armor didn't come with one. I was wondering about sizing, too - should I base sizing more on height or weight? I'm tall (about 6'3") and skinny. I guess I could just print out different sizes and try to see what "fits" me best based on the templates, but if you have any recommendations, I'm open to them.

Also, the naming of the files is a little confusing. Which file(s) should I download to get the kidney plate template?
i dont know if print the small or medium because i use both but i dont really sure which one will fit better. im 5,4" and thin
Anyone find the most efficient way to lay armour templates onto material to save on waste? I'm sure someone has done the math...?
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Just joined the forum looking for prints. Long time SW fan and starting to get into costume builds (at least for me son) This is great. I've been looking for kid sized templates for my son. He wants to be Boba Fett for Halloween this year. Thanks for the work in this.

Any idea where I could find kid sized backpack templates? I've found the adult sized ones but if I had kid sized ones I didn't have to resize that would be great.
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