STUNT ESB EE-3's Progress/interest/preorder

Guys, I'm still here . .refunds are going out at a steady pace; 7 of the 15 so far.
Again, sorry the run didn't work out. I've made the decision walk away from it at this point and leave it at that. Suck for everyone involved, including me . . .so please try and be sensitive. I am clearly not out to screw over anyone.
Maybe I'll get another shot at it, but it looks like this will be done for now.
Did anyone get their refunds today. I have tried to lay low and be as respectful to Hotshot as I can, but I would at least like a PM or something stating when more refunds are to be expected. Just need to know when I might have a few bucks to put towards another blaster somewhere.

Stormrider's proposition seems fair. Any new details on that front?
I actually just PM'd him yesterday asking about mine so obviously I haven't gotten it yet. Hopefully soon...

I'm also still waiting on Curtis to give me my refund for the other blaster I bought from him. He's supposed to give me a bit more than half back of what I paid.

We'll see...
'Grifter' and 'RP Mcmurphy' are the next in line for their refunds. I'm just waiting on all the moeny transfer tumblers to click into place. I did send an email to each of you two about it. If I get conformation on the transfers today, I'll be sending along both of your refunds.

I'll be sending out two more on the 30th.
PM'd you back.

Still waiting on conformation of all my cash getting transfered for the next two refunds. Sorry it's taking sooooo long.

Good news is . . .at least I'm updating:facepalm
I actually just PM'd him yesterday asking about mine so obviously I haven't gotten it yet. Hopefully soon...

I'm also still waiting on Curtis to give me my refund for the other blaster I bought from him. He's supposed to give me a bit more than half back of what I paid.

We'll see...

Now if that **** stormrider would send you your new blaster ehh? I know thats what your thinking! !! heheh should be done with a lot of it this weekend. Been workin on greebles.
Two more refunds out. Four left. Next round goes out the 13th of April, hope to have all four done then, if not, then by the end of April. Thanks.
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