Star Fortress Productions

Props to you guys, now I know to stay away from this "maker". Just as well i decided to research it on here. One less ripped off buyer in the world now
I'm not gonna give SFP props but if that armor was cheap it would be worth it. Too bad it is a recast, which is stealing in my opinion because making molds takes time and money. Wish he wasn't such a jerk :( And I wish his armor was either better or wicked cheap. Just my 2 cents.
I disagree, even if it was $2 for the entire Fett set,it still would not be worth the money. I bought their ROTJ Fett the braids were unusable after a week, the boots were never workable, basically 80% of the gear was either unwearable or I had to put more work into them than I would have had to put into a quality kit to begin with. I spent more since than I spent on the suit initially. The only thing that would qualify SFP to receive props would be if it burned to the ground, creating a massive explosion in the process and killed Osama Bin Laden.
okay glad I stumbled across this thread, i almost bought some of his stuff. so what's some relatively cheap alternatives to this guy??? I mean he offers alot of stuff.
Depends what your looking for...lots of things to find used in the cargo hold here...and theres plenty people selling budget stuff here as well
Good to know thanks, from the pic's he had posted I didnt see alot wrong with the parts but I'd rather air on the side of caution then shell out that kind of money and loose out.
Of course he's not going to post cruddy photos. Believe me, I think I posted my photos of his gear in post #21. That's his Fett gear right from the box, after repairs to make everything fit, and repair what came broken. The cost fo your suit depends on how in depth you wantr to get, also the quality. Just surf the Cargo Hold, and the various topics around and you're sure to find some GREAT gear, all of which will be better quality and most of which will be cheaper than SFP.
I wish I haknow this 2 years ago when I was looking for new clone boots, I ordered some from him on ebay and it took forever to get them, They looked great and durable in the pictures and once they arrived I was shocked to see that the soles were made from cheap foam that you find on flip flop sandals.
when i saw that boba fett i literally felt my heart turn black then die the fett should never look like that i would buy the rubies supreme before that!
Thank you for threads like this. I am looking at starting with a Fett costume or Republic Commando. I would have bought from him if not for you all. Thanks for the heads up. This site is amazing.
Kord said:I am looking at starting with a Fett costume or Republic Commando...

Hey Kord, why not both of them? here and CTnet are plenty of tutorials and links, good luck vod!!
The clone helmets are really good, good proportions. WARNING, everything else is absolutely horrifying! I am very happy with the Clone helmets. There may be a size problem for those helmets with the neck ring but this can be altered. I have a large head and did manage to squeeze in but know I have longer hair and I will have to alter. If you cut face off and reattach with magnets this is a good solution for neck rings. -----but DO NOT buy any other helmets.------- The god thing about these groups is everything is heavily researched and we have the support of TONS of members! Clone armour should be made from nothing other than HIP plastic.
This is just my experience hope it helps.
I'd suggest not buying from him at ALL, even if everything was perfect quality and got to me a day after ordering, I don't support recasters and pedophiles this guy's apparently both.
I'd suggest not buying from him at ALL, even if everything was perfect quality and got to me a day after ordering, I don't support recasters and pedophiles this guy's apparently both.

GOD. I feel really sick. I thought you were just making fun. I've just read the report. I think I'm going to throw up.

Is this scum not in jail?
The archives of both TDH and RPF are replete with accounts of this individual’s reprehensible and absolutely horrendous actions that have marred the history of our community for numerous years. I can’t emphasize enough the relevance to our younger and prospective members of not conducting business with this repulsive excuse for a human being.
And on a purely practical level, there is NOTHING offered by SFP that is better than (or even equal too) the work of more reputable dealers. I've never seen their movie clone up close, but I know their animated clone wars stuff is beyond horrid.
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