Seattle Zam Progress

I think you did a fantastic Job! :cheers And yes... the upgrades and fixes are never ending... (or so they say! ;) )

Awesome about the BSG actors... Helo? :D Dang.. I'm jealous! :D
Hey crew, thanks. Couldn't have got this far without all the excellent help here at TDH and from my local Garrison.

The leg and arm greebs don't stay on their own. The leg one fell off once, the arm one three times. The leg one has velcro on the straps on the inner leg, and it was just being super tight (and I never sat down).

This isn't working... even the Lara Croft leg straps for her holsters have a bit o' elastic on the inside thighs so she can crouch and sit (check out the pics on the web).

I made them at 3 am the day before the con, including coloring and everything. So I'm coating them in matte or gloss fixative now, to help the paint stay on. I'm also putting an earth magnet into the back of the greeb and another on the pants, same thing for the arm. I have to use ties on the arm straps though, can't glue those to a permanent position, because with working out and summer stuff, my arms change size.

I'm not that tall, just 5'7". I guess the original actress was 5'6"? I have longer legs, we had to change things around, and the leather ab plate was shortened to accomodate my shorter torso.

Yep....I started putting snaps on mine. AND....I'm going to put little thread loops in the inside of my thigh and arm to run the straps though. The straps will be for show but I want them to stay in place.
Hey gang,

Update, fixed more things on the costume. I was in the costume contest at Norwescon, won Best Novice (had to be in Novice, never won anything in costume contests before), and Best Workmanship Novice.

I fixed the greeblie on the arm with tiny earth magnets. I love these things. I used liquid stitch to put a patch on the inside of the sleeve with the magnet in it. Then I cut a hole in the leather backing of the greeblie (which is holding the straps to it), and used goop to glue a magnet in there.

Now it stays put, no problemo. I'm going to do the same thing to my leg greeblie. I made the patch have one side open so magnets can be removed for the wash of the neoprene (which is by hand, but in a metal bucket).

More pics to post, they are coming in now. I hope to find one here of the improved suit, it's looking better already.

I lost so much weight from two cons in a row that the belt is falling off of me (and thus, the entire skirt). I am working on an ADJUSTABLE Zam belt design, and I will get back to you all on that when I get further along. This "lace it only in one spot" thing is for the birds.

I have bone bruises on my ankles from the shin bolts, so open to suggestions there... and I'm replacing the entire vest and belt in the next month. I am not happy, the tape marks stayed on (don't use masking tape on leather!!). I'm switching from cow to pig, it should be thinner and easier to sew.

The binocs are now glued in place, as are my ear cups. I should shoot a pic of the inside of the helmet to show... I'll do that.

Hugs, Zammers!!

Oh, and I'm officially BH 4245, a member of Garrison Titan now!!! Yay!!

Pics for you!! (You can track all the excitement on Myspace, on my page for Deunanshiruba.)




Those are from Emerald City Comic Con 2009, the first of the two cons (back to back). We're still getting pics back from Norwescon last weekend.



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nice costume congrats on being done ( except for the upgrades of course). Wish we could have been there as I have my TIE pilot almost done
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