Bossk My new Bossk

This one will forever be amazing. I remember 15-20 years ago wondering about how cool it would be if there was a Bossk costume available to buy in the stores and how impossible it would
be to actually build one from scratch. This is the coolest one i've ever seen
Your Bossk costume looks amazing! I recently decided that I wanted to try and make one. It looks like I've got my work cut out for me.
Long time ago, some update know as I played him in a Fan Film =>
Not appearing in the trailer, but in the finished movie, just some preview stills. As I have now again more time, if someone tried to contact me
about costume details, just try again and I´ll answer ;-)

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Very cool! I live the view from the side the most...the head looks so reptil-like from the side! [emoji1303][emoji1303][emoji1303]
Wow, that costume looks super slick. Excellent work there.
I see stuff like this and get torn between continuing my Boba build or switching off.
Looks like I am late to the party but that is cool! I do not understand why this character is not more popular!! Bounty Hunters seem to get no respect!! :cry
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