Iron Man Heavy Artillery Armor

I did a Battle Damage paint job on one of my Gauntlet tell me what u think.


*Most forums automatically resize images so that it's easier for computers to load them.

Looks really cool so far. I'm always impressed with full body armour. That takes alot of patience. What's more this is from scratch!
Looks like the action figure has come to life.
Very Cool, Its not easy getting to stuff fit when you have arms that size. I have the same problem. Keep up the awesome work.:cheers
Ok everyone I got alot of updates and pix, I hope everyone will like. First I got some Bad News. My War Machine costume broke. My house was broken into and everything was jacked up. I walked in the house while it was happening. One guy is in the hospital and soon after jail the other guy is going to be in a wheel chair for life. So thats it for War Machine. I still got the Huge Gun. I might think about making a new War Machine costume.

I know I do got big arms. What can I say im a big guy. I did lose 20LB since the pic but I do got a lot of muscle my arms are not going down any time soon. I play lots of football.

Ok everyone thank you for your support

And now it is time for update pix

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Dang, sorry to hear about the break in! What a shame. If you have the gun though, I say make a new one.

This costume is looking great. The colors are very nice.
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