Hello from Louisvile, TN

Black Sheep

New Hunter
This weekend I acquired an ESB Boba Fett kit from another member, here, and I'm hoping to learn more about what went/goes into these fantastic builds! Time and talent are not typically found on my resume, unfortunately, so I will live vicariously thru the WIP posts to better appreciate what I have. I currently have a 501st approved ANH TIE Pilot, and have acquired all the parts needed to build a Scout Trooper. Once that's done I'll have my favorite character representations from each of the OT films! Looking forward to chatting and learning from all you talented builders!
Here's pics of the "test fit", and from the troop on Sunday. It's a huge difference when compared to the TIE Pilot kit!





Wow, that is one fine ESB Fett. I bet whoever sold it to you charged a fortune- for good reason! :lol: Seriously though, really great stuff.
Yeah. Wouldn't say I "stole it", lol, but if I had to scratch build it, I'd have likely ended up paying twice as much due to screw ups! The building part I can handle. Painting and weathering, well, thats a very different story.
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