Gauging interest in Hero Panel #2 LED kits with power supply.

Bump! Another one sold. I still have enough LEDs for 3 more units. I may take a break after they are sold and offer them in the Fall.
Sold the last one on this run.

I had a lot of inquiries about future runs so I'm going to order more supplies and do another 8 kits. If you want in on this run, just PM me and I'll get you in the list. I've decided to keep building them due to the tremendous feedback from the HIC community and as long as I can still source the right LEDs.

Thank you all for your tremendous support!

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Update: All of this run are now sold! If you are interested in one, PM me for a place on the next run which probably won't be for at least a month or two.

Thank you all for your support!

Warpcell (Douglas)
Let's keep this alive for warpcell
The hero panel #2 lighting kit
is truly legit guys ....
Will be posting pics of it soon
as proof ......

Thanks warpcell! !!***

Sent from my SM-N915V
Greetings everyone! I'm back and will have two Hero Panel #2 light kits ready to ship by next weekend. If you are interested in grabbing one, please PM me. These kit runs will be ongoing.



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