Extend Scene: Jango Using his Gauntlets to stop Mace's Lightsaber


Active Hunter
Sup guys, I found this extended scene of Episode II on youtube wich was cutted on the final version.
You can see some interesting things (I would have really like to see them on the movie) and you can also see 2 more seconds of the fight of Mace VS Jango where it uses his gauntlets to defend against lightsaber:

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Now why couldn't they add that one second or make the fight alot more intense as they had planned. I bet all those jedi felt like weebs swinging at nothing.
Now why couldn't they add that one second or make the fight alot more intense as they had planned. I bet all those jedi felt like weebs swinging at nothing.

Yah... I think the same, Its probably my favorite scene of the whole movie (that one and the kaminos fight).
Some more seconds would have make it great....
I think the gauntlets blocking the lightsaber goes a bit too far. More Jango time is generally good, but I'm glad they didn't have that.
Yes, Beskar resists lightsaber blades...one of only 3 metals that can. After all, he was the Mand'alor at one time...its more likely that his suit was a Beskar suit and not a Durasteel suit.
Yes remember that time on d'k'o'si'uv he fought the ko'f'ew'n with his w0'4kos'f@10'01!

Seriously though...the reason I'm glad they didn't include that scene is precisely because of all the EU mumbo jumbo.
I definately like it. It added a bit more to the fight without making Jango out to be super human. I always though Jango (and Maul for that matter) died in a fashion not suited for their stature in the film. They created an army off Jango's DNA. The least Lucas could have done was give him a better death.

I always though Jango (and Maul for that matter) died in a fashion not suited for their stature in the film. They created an army off Jango's DNA. The least Lucas could have done was give him a better death.

No doubt their deaths were really lame - but Lucas likes to do that (look at the Endor battle on ROTJ; Ewoks against the Emperors best Legion of soldiers, and look at how Boba bit the dust...)

Sort of like in Ep III when Obi said "Don't do it, I've got the high ground"

So what does that mean? Obi-wan didn't have the high ground at all with his fight against Maul, and he didn't even have a sabre on him. He was just hanging on for dear life. Then compared that to his fight with Anakin...doesn't really add up... Oh well - I still love it Star Wars...
So here's the kicker though...since that scene is in the movie script, does that mean it's now a canon fact? They cut it from the movie, yet it's on the edit reel and in the script =)

You decide!
So here's the kicker though...since that scene is in the movie script, does that mean it's now a canon fact? They cut it from the movie, yet it's on the edit reel and in the script =)

You decide!

No, its not canon fact. If deleted scenes were canon, then there would be many contradictions. Deleted scenes often contradict what appears in the final version of the film. For example, at some point ROTS had two different ways of Shaak Ti dying, neither appeared in the film.
Cannon fact is a moot point at this juncture... if his armor was made of Beskar, it was lightsaber resistant. (Note, not lightsaber-proof, but resistant.)

Logic tells us this is the case even without the cut scene. Decapitating an enemy is aggressive overkill... The primary weak spot in the armor would have been the neck, as it was only covered by the neckseal, hence the reason Mace Windu decapitated Jango with such a precise slash rather than taking him out by some other means.
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