Shin Tools ESB vs ROTJ/SE

on a technicality i suppose you can say that but these are stills taken from the set during filming. I think it's a safe assumption to make that they did not remove the shin tools you see here from the suit while filming.

On a technicality I suppose you can say that but these are stills taken from the set during filming. I think it's a safe assumption to make that they did not remove the shin tools you see here from the suit while filming.

The point behind the lack of a clear screenshots showing the shin tools and how they look (which is not an issue in ESB) is probably the reason why the star wars visual dictionary is allowed as a reference for the tools. There is one grand action shot where I think I saw shin tools in ROTJ, there are a number of reasons for not having them worn in action scenes in ROTJ. There are a few scenes I would have expected to see them worn on, but they were not visible.

I will warn people that it doesn't matter much what people here on TDH think the costume standards are for Boba Fett, for 501st credentialing purposes it matters whats in the CRLs. The fact that the CRLS conflict with what's shown on screen and conflict with image references used by the site should not be lost on the viewer. That being said the CRLS allow the same shin tools in both ESB and ROTJ that match the star wars visual dictionary. Raf already has proven that those items in the dictionary are completely fictional, but that doesn't mean they are against the CRL.

Cbrant I always looked to see what was shown in the movies because that ultimately was George Lucas's vision for how the characters were to be. If this wasn't the case Han would have still fired first in Episode IV.
On a technicality I suppose you can say that but these are stills taken from the set during filming. I think it's a safe assumption to make that they did not remove the shin tools you see here from the suit while filming.

I would never say this...........I mean we are talking about the Star Wars crew. I wouldn't put it past them to switch things, turn them upside down and backwards or put two right knees on the actor or put the jetpack on upside
Maybe I'm missing something, but the last image I linked to looks like a movie still to me and there are clearly shin tools.
I will warn people that it doesn't matter much what people here on TDH think the costume standards are for Boba Fett, for 501st credentialing purposes it matters whats in the CRLs. The fact that the CRLS conflict with what's shown on screen and conflict with image references used by the site should not be lost on the viewer. That being said the CRLS allow the same shin tools in both ESB and ROTJ that match the star wars visual dictionary.

In regards to the 501st there currently is not a formal CRL for ROTJ/SE it is only in the draft stage on the Bounty Hunters Guild Detachment site along with a lengthy discussion in regards to the requirements, versions, & wording. A number of the things & references here are also mentioned in that discussion. If you are truly going for 501st approval for a ROTJ/SE then you should join the BHG site & look over what is drafted up at this point in regards to the CRL. Cause the ROTJ/SE isn't ESB or ROTJ & there are many small differences that make that costume unique & with a number of inconsistencies, which have been pointed out here. You can not solely go off of the ROTJ CRL for the ROTJ/SE version due to the many variations hence the separate CRL, which is being worked on. Yes this does say using the visual star wars dictionary is acceptable for the current CRL's. Also per the discussion they are planning on putting specifics for both promo & on screen versions within the CRL. Which give a number of options based on the reference photos. It all boils down to how accurate you are looking to make your suit based off of reference photos & not everyone is looking to join the 501st.

With all this being said based on the OP this wasn't a question in regards to requirements for 501st approval. It was in regards to if there were any differences between the ESB & ROTJ/SE shin tools. This answer would be yes & no to if there are differences, depending on accuracy & which reference photos you are using in regards to the ROTJ/SE suit.
Yes if you think for one moment this is an easy topic then go over to the Bounty Hunters Guild and read the multi page, multi year discussion on the topic. The amount of discussion is remarkable.
@eagc :facepalm lol :lol: *grapping popcorn*

Maybe I'm missing something, but the last image I linked to looks like a movie still to me and there are clearly shin tools.

I figured since people are showing their immense maturity levels here I would make this be my last post on this forum. Those who have decided to turn this into a kiddy conversation have succeeded incompletely derailing the conversation. I did not say such screen capture photos didn't exist, I simply stated I did not see them when I looked through the screen capture catalogs. Due to the immense respect some in the community apparently lack for my community involvement I will announce this will be my last post on this forum since obviously constructive conversations are impossible with most people here. Have a nice day folks.
The tools are not the same, because the ROTJ/SE had the Supertrooper/early Pre-Pro #1 Anti-Security Blade (a longer version), while the ESB had a shorter version of the same tool. Some info here ==> All Boba Fett Shin Tools Stencils and more here ==> RafalFett's Misc Templates and Blueprints. The Sonic Beam Weapon looks the same, but as others noted, the ROTJ had only 2 tools:

The ROTJ SE is a difficult one, because there are at least 3 sets of promo shoots: the 1st set doesn't have any shin tools, the 2nd has 2 Anty-Security Blades (1 ROTJ Hero and 1 Pre-Pro #2) while the 3rd set has all the tools, but not all of them original tools.

View attachment 91337 View attachment 91338 View attachment 91339

The Jetpack Adjustment Tool and the Sonic Beam Weapon looks like they took them from the Star Wars Visual Dictionary:

I've never trooped before and don't belong to any 501st garrisons, but regarding the shin tools: do those responsible for approving our suits want the shin tools as they really are, or do they want you to build what is labelled in RafalFett's photo as "fake"?
I've never trooped before and don't belong to any 501st garrisons, but regarding the shin tools: do those responsible for approving our suits want the shin tools as they really are, or do they want you to build what is labelled in RafalFett's photo as "fake"?

To answer, as being one of those dealing with approvals, you can go for the real parts (castings thereof) or ones that look like they do in the Visual Dictionary.

Yes, I understand it can't be a point of contention. Personally, I have the real shin tools, even down to the stylus brushes.

For approval purposes, we have to give a wider latitude on this.

If there's any questions I can answer on 501st/CRLs, feel free to PM me.
To answer, as being one of those dealing with approvals, you can go for the real parts (castings thereof) or ones that look like they do in the Visual Dictionary.

Yes, I understand it can't be a point of contention. Personally, I have the real shin tools, even down to the stylus brushes.

For approval purposes, we have to give a wider latitude on this.

If there's any questions I can answer on 501st/CRLs, feel free to PM me.

Thank you for the response. I was just wondering how they do my opinion the VD version of the AS Blade, Survival Knife, and the Sonic Beam Weapon definitely look better and more purposeful than the actual screen used items. I've got a set of real Stylus Brushes too...gotta love the real parts!
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