Creating the Jumpsuit or Coveralls

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Thanks guys, the suit is a bit loose because the seamsstress said it will shrink after dying. After it shrinks if I need it to be tighter the corrections will be made.

As far as the fabric goes I dont have a clue as of what it is. I got it at $4.00 the yard and although it's not completly cotton it has some cotton in it.

The picture looks not so good because of the quality of the Digital camera/webcam but I am triying to have all the details of the jump suit as close as possible within the ability of the seamsstress but I think he has done a good job so far just with a couple of pictures from the ref cd and a couple more pictures of TK 409 and BobaFettish jumpsuit.

I expect it to be finished in two weeks (so far it has taken the guy an eternity to the point it is right now) But thats ok since I can go and bother him anytime I want and check on his progress (which I cant do if I would of order it from the PP).

I will post more pictures soon. :)
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If you by any chance have a neckseal you could have it added to the jumpsuit so it would be movie accurate.
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TK-Fett wrote:

If you by any chance have a neckseal you could have it added to the jumpsuit so it would be movie accurate.

I have one of TK 409 neckseals but I cant add it till I dye the jumpsuit first. I just hope it all comes together nicely. :)
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Looking nice so far, all you need now is to add the pouches/pockets and you're good to go to then proceed with the dying process (just remember to use just a little bit of the RIT dye at a time) Awesome.

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Thanks guys, my seamsstres is located at just a block from my house but in Puerto Rico .:)

I talked to the guy and he is willing to make more but I wont start an interest thread after mine is finished and dyed and after I have taken high definition pictures of it so that everyone has a good idea of the end product.

The guy has taken almost 2 month's to the point where the suit is right now so if I make an interest thread it will be a short one because I would not like to have people waiting for a long time.

But I think that if you have a good seamsstres near you she or he can probably make a good job with the Ref pictures you take them and you can check on their progress regulary. Anyway, is much better that way than to order something that you might not know how it will turn out. :)
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Looks good so far, Juan.

What percentage cotton is the fabric? I hope it takes the dye OK. Polycotton doesn't take dye as well as 100% cotton, but the higher the percentage of cotton in the mix, the better it will be for you.

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Dont worry Jedi-Bob, I think yours will turn out great after you take the color off and dye it the right way. :)

Si, I have taken samples of the fabric and dye it. It takes the color great, I ll see if I post a picture of the test fabric after it was dyed later today.
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Wow! That looks great Lynn! (y)
We may end up having to make our jumpsuit and we're wondering some of the changes you did to the pattern?
Really great job! Keep up the great work. :)
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Thanks guys/gals!!
I didn't make any changes to the pattern other then not using what wasn't needed, shirt pockets, cuffs, etc..
I cut out material to make both the long and short sleeves and sewed them together before I sewd them to the main shirt.

I bought 6 1/2 yards of 58" material to make a LG pattern, after all said and done with pouchs etc., I used over 6 yards, and that is without any screw ups and recutting of material! I didn't have too much left to spare. I still gotta sew the spats, I "should" have just enough.

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So you used this pattern here and didn't do anything to it but not add the shirt pockets or other details. I'm assuming you just sewed the the shirt and the pants together? Then added the various details needed for the jumpsuit like shin and thigh pouches etc.

Thanks and great job again. :)
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BountyHunter185 wrote:

So you used this pattern here and didn't do anything to it but not add the shirt pockets or other details. I'm assuming you just sewed the the shirt and the pants together? Then added the various details needed for the jumpsuit like shin and thigh pouches etc.

Thanks and great job again. :)

Yep, thats the exact pattern I used. I sewed the pants and shirt together to form a jumpsuit. I also didn't obivusly add or make the front and back pockets/linings of the real pants.

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I just thought of a tip for next time, now that I see a picture of exactly what pattern you used. You had trouble knowing exactly how long to make the shirt part, right? You can find jumpsuit measurements here:

If you look up your size, it gives you a measurement from collar to waist. Remember that you need to add any extra length for stitching details that you'll need, plus I'd say add an extra inch to play with for attachment purposes. Also, remember to measure from where the collar will be after the jumpsuit is sewn together. (If you have someone helping you, they can also measure along your back from your collar to waist, then when you cut out the shirt pattern, add an inch extra to your collar to waist measurements along the bottom of the shirt.)

I was using this for vest-making purposes, since the vest needs to be a few inches above the natural waist. It would work for anyone cobbling together their own jumpsuit pattern, though.
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LisaFett wrote:

I just thought of a tip for next time, now that I see a picture of exactly what pattern you used. You had trouble knowing exactly how long to make the shirt part, right? You can find jumpsuit measurements here:

THanks for the tips Lisa!! They'll help when I may try to make my TIE and ATAT jumpsuits...

Actually I didn't really have any trouble knowing how to make the shirt lenght. Since the suit is made specificly for the mannequin I took and pinned the shirt and pants together and got the placement of the middle then I sewed the waist band to the shirt then I sewed it to the pants. It may have been a crude way to do it, but it worked.

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Well Paid Killer wrote:

Lookin good man!!! ;)

The vest isn't quite soooooo silvery and shiny any more huh? :p
A little weathering did the trick. ;)

THanks guys!!
I did sme armor and helmet tests tonight and it is kick &$$....

I won't be posting many more pics if any until it is done hopefully next month.
I still have a lot to redo on this badboy.

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Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

Actually I didn't really have any trouble knowing how to make the shirt lenght.


Oops, it must have been another person. I know there was somebody recently who had trouble with that. I get so many emails about this stuff that I can't keep anything straight. Sorry. :)
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You may want to think again about the material you've chosen.
I just bought a real U.S. Navy flight suit and it was only 55% polyester and it did not fade at all. Polyester is a synthetic material made up of mostly plastic. This plastic is pre-impregnated with a paticular color. Once this plastic has cured it is virtually inpenetrable. I use rit color remover and all it did was remove the color from the 35% cotton and left the suit just as blue. I then tried bleach diluted in water to no avail. Then as a last resort I tried just straight bleach. The result was it turned the jumpsuit a really ugly dark purple and detetiorated the cotton part of the suit until it was almost see though! You might want to go out and see if you can find a "Dickies" brand jumpsuit or a "Walls" they both still have polyester in them but not very much. I stripped a navy blue one out today and it turned out great. Now, my jumpsuit is a little darker because I costume as Jango. If you are going as Boba it would probably be better to try and find a white "Dickies" which are popular among painters and simply dye it with the color that suits your needs. You can usually find those at like a Sherwin Williams or any other specialty paint store.
-"any help here would be hot!"
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RIT makes a product to fade jeans - its called "fade fast" or something. its with the dyes in the stores.
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Figured I'd post some pictures of my newly finished jumpsuit that I had sewn for me. We used the Green Pepper pattern and modified it.

I'm quite pleased with how it came out. I bought white duckcloth material which seemed to match the weight and dyed it using a mixture of gray and tan RIT dye.

What do ya think?



Just need to weather it somehow...
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Green Pepper Patterns... I bought it at Jo Ann's Fabrics. Thing is, you'll need to make many modifications. Its just a pattern for a mechanic's jumpsuit. Also, the pattern seemed to run VERY small. We had to try several times to get the correct fit.
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