Boba Fett Nerf Blaster!

Same here; I got the Nerf Amaban rifle a while back. A little disappointed in that one but meh it's a Nerf gun, I guess the fact that they're producing these things is a good sign for pop culture and something we should celebrate as it opens up more opportunities for future "stuff". The Fett rifle does look a little more accurate though.
Just saw this myself. I wonder how hard it would be to mod this to make it approvable. Probably have to bondo the dart door on the side... but then that kills the function. Still... the spring loaded trigger and hollow shell would be good for mounting electronics inside.
Just saw this myself. I wonder how hard it would be to mod this to make it approvable. Probably have to bondo the dart door on the side... but then that kills the function. Still... the spring loaded trigger and hollow shell would be good for mounting electronics inside.
Electronics are already there, and if it's similar to the Amban rifle they should be pretty close to the show. For the dart door I would bet someone with some 3D skills could model something that could be "snapped" on to make it on the approved list or fairly close. I wonder about the size though...
It looks 100% better than that other toy that was released a while back (the dominantly white colored one) but I AM curious about the barrel thickness and scope size. $100 though... tempting. I imagine it would be great for a con too, because of the weight. Does the BOBF version have a sling?
So compared to the MR ROTJ blaster it's pretty close (length wise). The MR is right about 33" long, there have been some changes to the BOBF barrel and receiver (and probably the stock) so 30" may be just right. The other details and greeblies look pretty close as well. And agreed, for $100 not a bad deal.
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