"Best" Jango Chest Armor?


Active Hunter
im building mannequines of both Boba and Jango and seeing as FP will sadly not be available for awile im puting most of Boba on hold and am looking to Jango, so i ask you who has the "Best" Jango chest armor available?
BKBT or Bobamaker. The BM armor is more expensive but it is cold cast. BKBT is not currently available. They both have "very close" ties to original armor pieces.
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Got myself the BM armour and will get it in some weeks (wait for it ...wait for it ;) )

From what I have seen and heard BM is very good.
I heard this cat is planning to make one in cold cast in the future.


Damn. well now i know how badass i need to make my jango. are you saying your going to be making items available?
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Yes - Fettpride and I are in plans to mold my whole costume in Cold Cast. We might have some extra copies made. Or maybe just certain parts that are wanted or needed.

But for the moment the project is on hold due to Fettpride's family matters.

But if you could get the BM or BKBT armor now, get it now. It's the best available. like others have said, some parts are made from the real deal.

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