For Sale $10 Aluminum Knee Dart Sale!


Active Hunter
Good afternoon TDH!-

We have been truing up our inventory numbers and restocking the cabinets, and discovered that we have more Knee Darts kits than expected. In an effort to reduce the number that we have and increase the number that you all have, we are running a Flash Sale starting NOW! Yes - you read the title right; Complete Aluminum Knee Dart Kits for just $10! We are also running a contest where we will completely refund the cost of your darts if you install them on Lineage Knee Armor; You can see our BFB version of this thread for specifics on how to enter (it is easier to just keep contest entries in one place)!

Kit Info:
-Kits include 3x Large Darts and 1x Small Dart
-All parts in the kit are CNC machined from high quality aircraft grade aluminum
-Small Dart was created using dimensions from the Michell found part, and has a 1/4-20 tapped hole on the bottom side for easy installation
-Large Dart was modeled using several dimensions taken DIRECTLY from the screen used parts. To our knowledge, our Large Dart is the only one utilizing these accurate dimensions. The Large Darts are also tapped 1/4-20 for easy and secure installation
-We do not include hardware with these kits, but if you're international and would like us to include screws because they are hard to find where you're located, drop us a line and we will throw a few in the package for you. If you are in the US, 1/4-20 is a very common screw size that you'll have no problem finding on the shelf at the local hardware store

Offer Info:
-Limit 2 sets per customer
-Price does not include shipping (We charge $10 shipping for most domestic orders. If the weight crosses a certain threshold, it can increase to $15 but that is the most we charge domestically no matter how many items are on your order)
-Offer does not have an expiration date, but the sale will end once an undisclosed amount of kits are sold. If the discount code below still works, the sale is still active.

How to Order:
Visit the link below and enter the following Discount Code: KNEEDARTSALE


MCR_KNEEDARTS (1).jpg Kneedartinstalled2 (1).png Kneedartinstalled1 (1).png

I think that covers everything - If I missed anything or you have any questions, feel free to post below or reach out via PM/Email. Cheers!-

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You guys are animals! In 24 hours, we have sold just under half of the sets that we have allocated for this sale; That is a LOT of knee darts to ship out. A HUGE thank you to those of you that have picked up a set(s)!!!
I got a good amount of these packed up today and will have the rest packed up tomorrow! We've sold through most of what we planned on selling and will shut the discount code off after the next 10 sets sell. Thank you, all!
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