Hello from Everywhere


New Hunter
I've been a Fett addict since I can remember. I tried building a Beskar'gam a few years back and opted for the Rubies. Alas, it was a waste of money. I'm looking at building one partly from scratch while attempting to use some of the Rubie peices. I'm wanting to incorporate my job and some of my adventurous hobbies into the suit. Thanks to my job I'm bouncing around the world, but alas I believe I can end up with a pretty suit Beskar'gam.

I haven't seen a lot of electronics work beyond lights or an RF servo. Anyone know of any other electrical set ups they've seen?
Welcome and hello from the almost bottom of the world... Or as I like to think of it, as the way Luke described Tatooine and its relative distance to everywhere else.:lol:

If I remember right there was someone a while back that was working on putting a vid-screen into the range finder, and I think a pin-hole camera in the back of the helmet.
And there has been a few flame units in the gauntlet?
If I remember right:confused
Right now I'm visiting the country of the "forgotten war" for a year. Definitely hendering working on a new beskar'gam. I've got an antifog/cooling set up I'm mocking up after our bomb suit helmet. We'll see how it goes. As for the RF HUD, that's going to be a complex and expensive set-up but would be well worth it.
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