Boba fett costume parts for smaller guys


New Hunter
Hi guys, I’m relatively new here and I was interested in putting together my boba fett costume project. I need help and advice on where to begin. I’m 5’6 and weight 130 so a potential small fett here. Does anyone know where I would look for armor and helmet parts for guys my size? (Potentially a list vendors) thanks in advance everyone!
Hello and welcome. I have had some issues myself with needing smaller armour.
For smaller armour I personally found the following combo worked:
Bobamaker - chest and vest
RKD - gauntlet
Knees and cod - RS props

Hope this helps
From my research the GMH helmets are good for smaller heads. Wastedfett makes beautiful GMH helmets. Bobamaker also makes beautiful helmets. I have one on order with bobamaker as I found him before wastedfett. A thing to consider as well is if you want to paint yourself the wait time for a helmet is less. Eg for a bobamaker you will have roughly 9-12 months to wait for a fully completed helmet.
Very informative comparison post here Bobamaker V4 Helmet Kit
From my research the GMH helmets are good for smaller heads. Wastedfett makes beautiful GMH helmets. Bobamaker also makes beautiful helmets. I have one on order with bobamaker as I found him before wastedfett. A thing to consider as well is if you want to paint yourself the wait time for a helmet is less. Eg for a bobamaker you will have roughly 9-12 months to wait for a fully completed helmet.
Very informative comparison post here Bobamaker V4 Helmet Kit
Thanks you so much this has been very helpful, I deeply appreciate it!
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