3 Things....

Alrighty then!
There are 3 things with my Jango build that have me mystified......

1. Where do I get the jetpack decals from? I have seen some members have recommended other members, to which I have contacted them to no reply!?!? Any help would be hugely appreciated.

2. Does anyone do the correct machined aluminium jetpack beacon? I have read it is 'solid' and has no grooves/slits like Boba's but the 501st CRL suggests it needs a white light in it!?!?!

3. How the straps on/in the jetpack attach to the inside of the jetpack? Is there a set size/width for the clips and webbing?

Thanks in advance :)
I know Lucksy31 does many types of Star Wars decals, so I'd start there. He also has a web site Scott Lucks Designs I believe.
Check with Jodokast89 here about the beacon and light. I know he's still around but not sure of the wait time.
Someone else may have better info on the jetpack. I have a BM pack and it has steel loops cast into the pack so it determines the spacing for strapping.
hope that helps a little.
Addition to my post:

I checked the pics myself and from what I can see it is solid. (although you can only see it on the CGI Jango in that scene)

I also checked the pics in the gallery and its the same. Solid.

As far as I remember, Dark-Side here on the board makes some. But I'm not sure about a solid one. But if you ask him, he probably will.
Sounds like a good question about the CRL. Not trying to thread jack here. But it would be great if anyone else had info as to the beacon question, with pictures to back it up.
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